Fox's Gasparino Claims It's The Democrats, Not Republicans Who Have Their Lunatics Running The Show
It's upside down land over at Faux "news" again.
If you're living over in the Fox bubble where up is down, black is white and everything is always good for Republicans, the gridlock we've seen for the last six years is all President Obama's fault, and never mind that the inmates have been running the asylum in the Republican party, they've got them under control now that the GOP is set to take over both houses of Congress.
Or so say the talking heads on Fox's Cavuto on Business this Saturday. While discussing President Obama's threat to take executive action on immigration, host Neil Cavuto claimed it's the president who has now "poisoned the well" and not the Republicans who have been blocking his agenda for purely political reasons for the last six years. Regular Dagen McDowell chimed in about how terrible it that President Obama is going to spend the next two years just trying to make Republicans look bad, because we all know how unfair that would be, right?
The most ridiculous portion of the entire segment came next with Charlie Gasparino claiming that the "adults are in charge now" since Mitch McConnell took a government shutdown and impeachment off the table and that the Democrats are the one who have done real damage to their brand since Obama has been in office.
When their pretend liberal Adam Lashinsky pointed out that it was not at all clear that Republicans had learned their lesson following the midterm elections, that led to this nonsense by Gasparino.
GASPARINO: Ted Cruz is not going to be calling the shots on this one. [...]
LASHINSKY: They need their votes to not shut the government down. Number two, the immigration issue is a very effective political point for the president and for Hillary Clinton and the Republicans know this. [...]
PAYNE: It will be interesting to see if the president vetoes a Democratically approved Keystone pipeline out of the Senate later on, but listen, you know, I think what Charlie said was probably the most spot on in the sense that this was an economic election. Right now, Democrats are sending out fundraising and emails and tweets talking about climate change, talking about the president keeping the Internet free. These are all things that are designed as the political kind of chicanery that has kept us, the country going nowhere for the last six years.
GASPARINO: And you know what that means? You know what that means? The Looney Toons are running the Democratic party. For as much as Adam would love to say how the crazy tea partiers control the Republican party, Ted Cruz, the lefty Looney Toons are now running the Democratic party and in an election where working class people, your base, are not working enough, not making enough money, you are talking about climate control. You're talking about immigration. You are attacking your base. Therefore there is one person who is really freaking out right now and her name is Hillary Clinton.
So nice of Fox to work the refs for Hillary and try to marginalize the progressive base of the Democratic party. If she gets elected they're be calling her a Socialist just like they have President Obama.
Ben Stein followed up by pretending that the Hispanic vote might not be all that important after all in the upcoming presidential election and Cavuto couldn't end the segment without calling President Obama childish for not wanting to give them everything they want cooperate with Republicans.