Jon Stewart On The Aftermath Of The Midterm Elections
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart with some "context" on this year's midterm elections.
The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took on the media for their context-free coverage of this year's midterm elections and their tendency to discuss events as though they exist in a vacuum.
STEWART: The Democratic party in shambles. A lot of soul searching. Stages of grief. Why is it those phrases are so familiar? [...]
Right! Oh. I know why those phrases are so in my head. Because they said the exact same ones about the Republican party when it's death warrant was signed in 2012, a mere twenty four months apparently before it burst forth from its grave like Jesus Christ... or a zombie depending on your personal beliefs.
It's as though every event that happens is viewed by our media singularly, as though it didn't exist in any previous, what's the word we're looking for? Oh right. Context.
Stewart went onto ask whether we're actually going to see some cooperation between Mitch McConnell and President Obama now that they're going to be forced to work together and whether Mitch McConnell is literally, biologically a tortoise.
Sadly, the "context" that was not discussed during this segment is what sort of policies the American people get to look forward to that the Turtle Man and President Obama are likely to agree on, like more crappy trade deals and more giveaways for the wealthy, like lowering our corporate tax rates.