Jon Stewart Slams Republicans For Fearmongering And Voter Suppression To Win Midterms

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart took the Republicans to task for resorting once again to their usual tactics when they've got absolutely nothing else to run on.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart with his final edition of Democalypse 2014 prior to the midterm elections this Tuesday, which as he noted, aren't looking too good for Democrats if the recent polling is to be believed.

After playing a bit of the name calling from the pundits over on Faux "news" Stewart weighed in:

STEWART: If you're looking for rational arguments about how best to govern, you have to turn to the Republicans, our nation's true statesmen! The Republicans closing argument can be found in this quite cogent illuminating compendium of their more eloquent and unemotional repose.

(Cut to GOP fearmongering campaign ads on terrorism and Ebola.)

I thought that was a very powerful and cogent essayistic argument. Move over hope and change! and welcome vote for us or get beheaded while pooping blood!

Stewart moved onto playing clips of McConnell and Boehner claiming that Republicans are going to end the partisan gridlock we've seen since President Obama was elected and responded to that nonsense.

STEWART: You know, somehow, I think no matter what we do, we're going to get buttheads. But, Sen. Mitch McConnell, come on! Who better to bring the gridlock to a merciful end than the guy whose been blocking the block for six years?

Stewart wrapped things up by going after the Republicans for their backup plan just in case the fearmongering isn't resonating, vote suppression.


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