Jonah Goldberg Has A Jungian Moment On Fox

The World's Best Son© lectures us that climate change science is "incentivized" by funding.

The late Carl Jung famously wrote about shadow projection -- that aspect of unintegrated humans that permits them to project qualities and motivations onto others that are really only a reflection of themselves. In this job, I see the sad results every day. But it's especially entertaining when people like Jonah Goldberg lecture us with a very straight face:

Fox News provided American Enterprise Institute (AEI) fellow Jonah Goldberg a platform to attack climate scientists as profiteers who are "financially incentivized" to advocate climate change action, without disclosing AEI's own financial incentive to undercut action on climate change. AEI has taken over $3 million from ExxonMobil, and once offered money to scientists to write articles criticizing a UN climate change report.

On the November 18 edition of Your World with Neil Cavuto, Goldberg argued that climate scientists have a conflict of interest reporting on climate change because they are "deeply invested in the whole industry of global warming" for their university programs. Goldberg also called climate scientists and advocates "people who are financially incentivized to go one way."

See what he did there? Carl Jung, genius.

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