National Review Writer: Making Election Day A Holiday Would Turn America Into A Totalitarian Hellscape
A day off for voting isn't just the first step on a slippery slope to mandated conformity. It will lead, inevitably, to a prison-state, according to the right wing pundits fearmongering over the issue.

In the headline, I'm really not exaggerating about what National Review's Ian Tuttle writes here:
If Bernie Sanders has his way, "Democracy Day" will be the crowning holiday of America’s dystopian future. Imagine: Everyone in slab-gray uni-gender tunics and biodegradable Crocs, all lined up in perfect uniformity to cast a legally mandated vote for the single party that remains. Democracy! Pharrell's "Happy" will play over loudspeakers in the background. On loop.
To the country's credit, a future in which Americans submit en masse to the shame of Crocs is unlikely. But Vermont senator Bernie Sanders is proposing, in the wake of November’s midterm-election turnout numbers, a new federal holiday: Election Day, or, as he would have it, "Democracy Day."
Yes, that's right: according to Tuttle, the Sanders proposal to give people a day off would inevitably lead to this (without the hammer-tosser):