Senator Cardin's Facts Get In The Way Of Fox News Sunday's Lies

Chris Wallace presents a bogus, GOP-laundry list to Senator Ben Cardin. The Fox anchor prefers false generalities over reality.

Chris Wallace, in accordance with Willard Romney, claims the Obama Administration is the orchestrator of this current "Crisis of Competence." Maryland's Senator Ben Cardin appeared on Fox News Sunday to put all this nonsense to rest, especially the minimum wage myth promulgated by Fox News. These fact-deniers believe raising the minimum wage will result in an economic crisis, while nothing in history supports this claim of a massive job hemorrhage resulting from paying people a living wage

Chris Wallace insists the CBO's claim that raising the minimum wage is veracious, while Cardin demonstrates that it has worked, especially in his home state.

Fiscal Conservatives at Fox News don't like the idea of eliminating the working poor. Since the days of slavery to the current exploitation of migrant farm workers, Republicans are all about creating massive income inequality.

Cardin, in February 2014 said,

"There should be no such thing as the ‘working poor’ in America. If you work hard and play by the rules, you should not have to worry about putting food on the table or keeping a roof over your head,”... “After speaking with the Marylanders on the front lines of the effort to close the wealth gap in America, it's clear that Congress must act. There has never been a better time to pass an increased federal minimum wage, paycheck fairness, tax and immigration reform as well as other common sense pieces of legislation to give Americans future and present a fair shot at success."

The Fox News graphic listing the problems of the Obama Administration has probably been shown more times than Giuliani said '911' in the 2008 presidential campaign. The super six faux scandals are:
1. The botched rollout of the 'Obamacare' website
2. The VA scandal
3. The IRS scandal
4. Secret Service misconduct
5. The Rise of Isis
6. The Ebola handling

Cardin attempted to show that the CDC did not mishandle the Ebola case as the CDC was not remiss in how they dealt with the disease. He praised our role as a world leader in the charge to combat the deadly virus. Cardin stated that each one of these claims needed its own debate and Wallace asked if it should be done without "litigating each one of these."

Wallace says,

a lot of Americans, and the polls show this, feel anxiety, feel nobody is in charge. Are you basically saying we're satisfied with the way the Democrats and the government, the Obama Administration handled all those?

Senator Cardin then asked if we could drill down on the issues one by one rather than speak in generalities. He listed the positive impact that the Affordable Care Act has had on the formerly uninsured and the cost-effective savings associated with its implementation. We've made huge progress, but of course we need to continue working hard to fix America's health care.

Wallace claims that Louisiana and North Carolina Democrats are engaged in race-hustling. Both of the Senators' campaigns defend African-Americans against obvious racial discrimination in the South. Cardin threw a strong counter punch to Wallace's race card accusation. He reminded Fox News of the real problem of voter suppression.

Wallace ignored Cardin's pesky voter fraud facts and harped on the Hagan campaign's labeling of Thom Tillis as a supporter of Stand Your Ground. Wallace couldn't see what that had to do with her campaign, but the Maryland Senator wouldn't take the bait and the interview concluded. Game, set and match Cardin.

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