SNL Trolls President Obama For Acting Like Reagan And Bush

Unilateral executive orders/executive actions on immigration is for white Republican presidents, not this lawless, Kenyan in the White House. Thanks SNL, but no thanks.

President Obama has enacted the fewest Executive Actions of recent presidents. St. Ronnie Reagan and Bush the elder both did the exact same thing President Obama decided to do this last week. His speech on executive action, which took up the slack for the House which has refused to take a vote for over 18 months on a bill the Senate passed 68-32. On Fox News Sunday, Chris Wallace had on Captain-Shutdown and human irritant, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) to give his sanctimonious take on the issue.

CRUZ: The difference between Reagan and Bush is both of them were working with Congress and implementing congressional statutes. Absolutely, Congress can change the immigration law and the president in the course of executing the immigration laws, can put congressional well into effect. (except, Teddy, the Senate passed the bill a long time ago, lest you forget)

The difference here is this is not a president who wants to work with Congress. Rather, this is a president who is openly defying Congress.

And, you know, Chris, I actually can't put it any better than "Saturday Night Live" put it last night, where they reprised the old "Schoolhouse Rock", you remember how a bill becomes a law? And "Saturday Night Live" literally had the president pushing the bills down the steps of the Capitol, because we no longer need the steps in the Constitution for how we pass laws, because the president now is claiming unilateral authority the Constitution doesn't give him.

I'll tell you, the danger of that, Chris, is it's not just on the substance here. The substance is very damaging to working men and women across the country, but it's a far broader danger for anyone concerned about liberty, because if this president can impose his own immigration laws unilaterally, then the next president can impose his own laws, whether it's immigration, whether it's tax, whether it's labor, whether it's environmental --

Cruz conveniently omits the fact that Congress intentionally omitted children from Immigration Reform; Reagan and Bush protected them anyway, which is precisely the same thing.

Wasn't that so considerate of the folks at NBC and Saturday Night Live to take an opportunity to bash President Obama on an executive order which everyone seemed just fine with under the Reagan and Bush Administrations? It's so thoughtful of a program that has generally been considered liberal to unfairly pan the president, whose intentions are to help keep families together. I thought the Republican Party was all about family cohesiveness? Oh, I forgot, that's only for white families.

Here's the SNL clip for anyone who missed it.


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