Al Sharpton Has Been To The White House 61 Times. Are You Scared Yet?

Elisabeth Hasselbeck tries to throw Al Sharpton and President Obama under the bus because ONE NYC protest suggested resorting to violence.

Alveda King, the niece of the late Martin Luther King Jr. was on Fox and Friends to discuss the a certain protest gone awry in New York City. The crowd chanted

What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now!

Alveda was raised to participate and encourage non-violent protest. So of course she disparaged that particular demonstration as counter-productive and certainly not encouraging of justice and peace.

But Elisabeth Hasselbeck had her own agenda. She slipped in a question with the intent of getting Dr. King to condemn Al Sharpton and his close association with President Obama.
Dr. King labeled the unfortunate chanting of anti-police taunts rabble rousing. Hasselbeck chimed right in.

Speaking of rabble rousing,.A lot of people would look at Reverend Al Sharpton, who seems to be taking a major step in leadership when it comes to race in this nation and how close he is, 61 times he's gone to the White House. Does it make you uncomfortable his words his notions are taking the lead perhaps over the words of your great uncle?

Dr Alveda King said that she was taught that good triumphs over evil. She is joining with leaders in the nation to encourage PEACEFUL protest. Hasselbeck was looking to fear-monger about the apparent leadership of Sharpton and President Obama being the cause of any and every protest that has gone awry. Dr. King would not acknowledge such a ridiculous notion and had nothing negative to say about the president and his friend, Al Sharpton. This time, Fox didn't get their "MLK was a Republican so President Obama is bad," from Dr. King.

Hasselbeck ended the interview at this point, saying she treasured her words of wisdom that help us look forward. Indeed Elisabeth, because looking backwards might piss off a sizable portion of the American people who find the actions of clearly racist law enforcement incredibly offensive and disgraceful. Fox News certainly doesn't want to re-hash that unpleasantness.

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