Bolling Gets Schooled On Perpetuating Racism On Fox News

Filling in for O'Reilly, Eric Bolling gets a lesson on how it really is in America. What a fine Christmas Eve gift this was.

On Tuesday night, the eve before Christmas Eve, watching GOPTV/Fox News, I heard something that made me smile, for the first time in a long time. Bill O'Reilly was off on The Factor, so Eric Bolling was filling in (or at least attempting to do so). His guest, Jasmyne Cannick said, perhaps the greatest thing I've ever heard on Fox News. How she answered a question about the perpetuation of racism was nothing less than spectacular.

I'll set it up for you. Cannick said,

"Oh, we've made so many changes and....look, we have a black man in the White House, that doesn't help, we need to talk about what's going on right now, what's going on across America."

So Bolling in his most cordial attempt says, "

...you're talking ideology you're not talking specifics, what would make it better in your mind. What are we doing wrong in America that is perpetuatng racism?

“Well, first of all, many of the shows on this very network help perpetuate the racism that exists in America, so we can start there,” Cannick said. (From the Grio)

“How?” Bolling fired back. “Don’t lob a grenade at me without telling me how.”

Cannick, who bills herself as a “social commentator on pop culture, politics and race who has cultivated a national following,” didn’t back down:

Look, you asked me a question about how do we change [racism] and is there hope? There is hope, as long as people want to be honest about it and they want to honestly make the changes that need to be made. And those changes include looking at the criminal justice system, looking at our educational system, looking at what are the barriers that keep blocking brown people from being hired in this country. We need to have honest discussions about all of that and make policy changes that include all of us so that we also can become a part of the one percent.

Bolling’s response?

“I hear what you’re saying […] I think that’s exactly what’s going on.”

Here, watch Bolling blame "race-baiters" like Samuel L. Jackson, Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan, Bill Maher and Jon Stewart for the violence against cops. The cops are always the real heroes, and in his eyes, they are infallible. **sigh** Cops are flawed just like people. No one is infallible.

What are we doing wrong?


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