Cosmic Insight ~ Reaching For A Solution.

Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

Cosmic Insight ~ Reaching For A Solution.

Some of the change that we’ve been seeking from November’s Sagittarius New Moon is in the making this week. The Mars/Saturn sextile and daring Aries Moon on Monday December 1 encouraged us to create our own sunshine, for an increase of activity and productivity.

A finished person is a boring person. Anna Quindlen

On Thursday December 4, Mars exits enterprising Capricorn, and moves us into the distant galaxies of freedom-fighting Aquarius. We’re breaking away from limitations, in order to create unique solutions. Energy will be largely released in the weeks ahead, which ignites spontaneous actions that can be unpredictable, electrifying and even explosive in some cases – if we should fail to handle our own forcefulness with care.

God is a comedian playing to an audience that is too afraid to laugh. Voltaire

We’re reaching out in unusual ways – to create a unique connection – that can help to make life happen. And with Mars in Aquarius, we’ll gain much more space and distance to roam, giving us the free rein to pave unconventional roads, created from our own vision.

Some of these paths will be friendly, stimulating, and progressive. Other trails can be more unsociable, rebellious and complex. Depending on the route we choose, there will be strong driving force within. This movement will activate an abrupt jolt – detaching us from what has become familiar, while waking the world around us. So in order to move in these changing winds, spread your wings and adjust with the current.

Remember not only to say the right thing in the right place, but far more difficult still, to leave unsaid the wrong thing at the tempting moment. Benjamin Franklin

A Gemini Full Moon on Saturday December 6 brings us to an emotional peak. Communications are fully released, which allow for closure and an ending to a cycle. Truths are illuminated. Answers are revealed. Say what you mean, by speaking from the heart. Tarot Insight: A dead end is conquered. AceSwords/FiveCups. For information about the author, or a personalized consult, click here.

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