Eric Garner's Widow: He Was 'Murdered Unjustly'

Esaw Garner blasts New York City law enforcement over murder of her husband.

Esaw Garner, Eric Garner's widow, opened up today on Meet the Press:

"I really don't feel like it's a black and white thing," Esaw Garner said on NBC's Meet the Press. "It wasn't like it was a shock ... They knew him by name."

Appearing with Rev. Al Sharpton, Garner told Chuck Todd that she believes her husband's death was the culmination of prolonged harassment by police, adding that she fears for the safety of her children as well. "They harassed us," she claimed. "And I would just say, 'Eric, just keep walking. Don't say anything. Don't respond. You know? Don't give them a reason to do anything to you.'"

Garner said that she purchased candy so that her youngest son would not go out on Halloween, and warned her older son at college to not attend parties. "I'm so afraid of what could happen to them in the street by the police," she added.

Garner also refuted Patrolmen's Benevolent Association president Patrick Lynch's comments from Thursday, in which he inferred that Eric Garner's death came as a result of a choice to resist arrest.

"I'm not going to say he was a career criminal, but I'm going to say he had a past of being arrested," said Garner. "And he never, not once, ever resisted arrest."

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