Fox's Ablow Accuses Obama Of Not Wanting Americans Protected

The ladies on Fox's other "curvy couch" joined by their favorite wingnut psychiatrist put their DeBlasio-Obama Derangement Syndrome on full display this Tuesday.

The ladies on Fox's other "curvy couch" joined by their favorite wingnut psychiatrist put their De-Blasio-Obama Derangement Syndrome on full display this Tuesday. The panel on this week's Outnumbered continued the network's attacks of New York Mayor Bill de Blasio, accusing him of "projecting" all of his worst "liberal" traits onto the poor downtrodden picked on pundits on their network because he dared to call out Fox and their ilk for trying to divide the country by focusing on the few protesters causing problems rather than the majority marching against police brutality, who have for the most part been peaceful.

After showing a clip of former New York Governor George Pataki attacking President Obama the previous evening over the protests as well, they moved onto doing the same themselves, with Ablow concluding at the very end of the segment that President Obama doesn't want really want the police to protect the public. Ablow even acknowledged that he was going to "get mail and get heat" for saying what he did, but that didn't stop him from lobbing this giant stink-bomb out there anyway.

Here's more from our friends at News Hounds: Fox’s Dr. Ablow: Obama Does Not Want Police To Protect Us:

Before Ablow spoke, co-host Jedediah Bila accused Obama of divisiveness. As if Fox is anything but.

BILA: He wants to be divisive. That is the nature of the politics of the left. And that is why Barack Obama is not out there front and center right now. He doesn’t want to talk about unity. He would be inclined to toe the same line as Bill de Blasio and he knows that’s not helpful, that’s not gonna look good as a presidential legacy. He is supposed to be the leader of everyone. He should be backing up law enforcement and… uniting the country. But that’s not what he comes from.

So where was Bila’s concern for unity when co-host Andrea Tantaros asked her radio show listeners to “do me a favor” and punch an Obama supporter in the face? When Sean Hannity promoted Cliven Bundy’s armed insurrection against law enforcers in Nevada, shortly before two police officers were executed in Las Vegas by at least one Bundy supporter? Answer: Nowhere I saw.

Nor did Bila seem to mind when Ablow went on to offer up partisan talking points in the form of psychiatric opinion about President Obama.

ABLOW: I wonder when the American people will believe that the president says who he really is. He does. He doesn’t confabulate. The president does not see this as an issue that he wishes to speak to. …He wants people to continue to think, ‘Now wait a second, the president has not come out, therefore police probably are out to get us.’

…I think that he wants us – this is my perspective, other psychiatrists may disagree – my perspective is he wants us to doubt all our institutions. This is just an extension of the apology tour. It’s an extension of ‘You didn’t build that business’ and local cops that you thought you could rely on, you can’t.

PolitiFact rated the GOP accusation that Obama went on an “apology tour” a Pants On Fire lie. They rated the “you didn’t build that” allegation as False. […]

Co-host Harris Faulkner asked about Obama, “Who does he anticipate is going to protect us because police officers are being asked to do more and more now?”

Ablow replied, “Why do you think he wants us protected? …I do not think he wants us protected. Hey, we’ll get mail and I’ll get heat. I don’t care. No, I don’t think he does.”

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