Fox's Cavuto And Stein Try To Conflate 'Grubergate' With Vietnam And The Pentagon Papers
Fox's Neil Cavuto and Ben Stein want their viewers to believe their latest trumped up ACA "scandal" is somehow the equivalent of the Pentagon Papers and the Vietnam war.
Over at Faux "news" this Tuesday, rather than focus on the newly released Senate torture report, it's been all Jonathan Gruber and "Grubergate" all the time and wall to wall coverage of another one of Darrell Issa's Obamacare witch hunts, otherwise known as a House Oversight Committee hearing.
As soon as I heard the hearing was scheduled I knew that it meant things were going to get ugly over at Fox, but not even in my wildest imagination could I have come up with this big giant turd that Neil Cavuto and his buddy Ben Stein managed to toss against the wall to attack Obamacare and Gruber.
Apparently their latest trumped up fake scandal is somehow the equivalent of the Pentagon Papers and being lied to about Vietnam. I kid you not.
CAVUTO: So let's ponder this. The law was built on a lie but to read the mainstream media's take, this hearing was nothing more than a show. That's a little weird because I seem to remember the same mainstream media being all over another hearing on a certain war that was built on a certain lie. Do any of you of a certain age remember the Pentagon Papers? Well I do and so does former Nixon speechwriter Ben Stein here to at least bring out the hypocrisy.
It is weird. What do you think Ben?
STEIN: It's extremely weird and both items which are enormous items, the war, which I think is far more tragic than Obamacare is built on a lie about the Tonkin Gulf incident. Obamacare is based on a huge lie which is it's going to bend the cost curve down. You're not going to have to change your doctor. Not going to have to change your insurance company and it's not going to cost the taxpayers anything, so they had to be playing some kind of flim-flam Three-Card Monte game and Mr. Gruber has owned up to it, and as I say, give him credit for that as nobody else has.
CAVUTO: Well you're right about that, but you know for consistency sake I agree, you know, obviously that Daniel Ellsberg and the release of the Pentagon Papers was an egregious revelation that the media quite properly pounced on to understand whether we were lied to with the highest levels, in this case going back to President Johnson, and now we have essentially the same thing on a smaller scale, a financial scale about a health care law. For consistency sake, shouldn't they be just as zealous trying to get to the bottom of it?
STEIN: They should be but of course they won't be because the media hated the war in Vietnam. The media hated President Nixon and President Johnson who were prosecuting the war in Vietnam. The media was very much on the side, in many ways of our enemies in Vietnam, whereas the media is very much on President Obama's side.
The media blows with the way that the Obama administration wants it to blow and they're blowing saying this guy is a nut and he's a fool and we can't trust him. But I think at their heart the American taxpayers know they were sold a big bill of goods and they were done badly by the president who sold them on something that just wasn't what he said it was.
And I question whether he even knew what it was. He's a smart guy but I don't think anyone knew what it was and remember Mrs. Pelosi said she didn't know what it was.
And it just went downhill from there with the two of them carping about how much the so-called "liberal media" that only exists in their minds is supposedly "up Obama's back side" and does nothing but try to protect him and make him look good all day, unlike those "fair and balanced" pundits over at their network who want you to believe that passing the Heritage Foundation and Mitt Romney's health care plan is just the same as lying Americans into wars.