Fox's Ralph Peters Calls President Obama A Child For Ending Combat Mission In Afghanistan

The talking heads on Fox "news" never pass up an opportunity to disrespect the President of the United States,

I would like to see all of our troops out of Afghanistan and hopefully we will finally see this occupation come to an end, and we're not there yet, but at least President Obama is finally taking us in the right direction, rather than escalating there as some on the right like John McCain would have us do.

But leave it to the talking heads over on Faux "news" to use the recent announcement of the end of our combat mission in Afghanistan to attack President Obama and come just shy of calling him "boy."

That's what the viewers were treated to on this Monday's Hannity, with guest host Michelle Fields and regular Lt. Col. Ralph Peters, who went after President Obama not only for drawing down our troops in Afghanistan, but also for his remarks about the in Iran, telling NPR "never say never" to the possibility of the United States having an embassy there one day. The horror!!! Doesn't he know we're supposed to be starting a war with them too?

Here's more on Peters from Fox's blog: Peters: 'The War Obama Just Concluded Ain’t Over' :

Lt. Col. Ralph Peters was on “Hannity” tonight, where he discussed how President Barack Obama marked the end of the U.S. combat mission in Afghanistan this weekend.

“Psychologically, our president is like one of those children who believe that saying something makes it so. He said that Iraq was a strong democratic government contender we could leave. He said that al Qaeda was defeated. Islamist terrorism, which he wouldn't call Islamist terrorism, was defeated. Welcome to the real world. Now, Afghanistan’s just fine. Well, you know the war he just concluded ain’t over.”

Peters also weighed in on Obama’s remarks in an NPR interview about the possibility of opening an embassy in Iran during his final two years in office.

Obama said, "I never say never," but added that ties must be restored in steps.

Peters said that he is “bewildered” by Obama’s “non-approach” to Iran.

“Since the reset button didn’t work with Russia, we’re going to recycle it and try it with Iran,” Peters said.

He said that Iran’s nuclear weapons program is proceeding while Obama’s “teasing about” giving Iran an embassy it hasn’t asked for.

He added, “Because of the poor structure of our efforts against ISIS in Iraq, even if those efforts are successful, we’re going to hand Iran an empire that will spread well into the Arab Middle East.”

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