Half Of Voters In New Poll Say GOP Majority Is Bad For Country

Wonder where they were on election day?

Half Of Voters In New Poll Say GOP Majority Is Bad For Country

If only that had been the half who voted:

Half of the public says that Republican control of Congress will be bad for the country and cause more gridlock, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.

The poll finds that 50 percent of adults say Republican control of the House and Senate will be bad for the country, compared to 44 percent who say it will be good. Fifty-two percent say there will be more gridlock with a Republican Congress, while just 9 percent say there will be less. Thirty-seven percent say there will be no difference.The public has a more negative view of Republican gains this November than it did of other recent midterm elections. A majority, 52 percent, thought it was good for the country when Republicans took over the House in 2010. An even larger percentage, 67 percent, thought it was good for the country when Democrats took over Congress in 2006 amid the unpopularity of President George W. Bush.

The country appears frustrated with both congressional Republicans and President Obama when it comes to gridlock, but more so with Republicans.Fifty-seven percent say Obama is not doing enough to work with Republicans, while 68 percent say Republicans are not doing enough to work with him.

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