With A Very Serious Face, Hayden Says Shoving Food Up Butts Is Medical

Hey, Mike, let's not insult the American public more than you already have.

Jake Tapper shows occasional signs of actually doing his job:

Former CIA director Michael Hayden on Thursday defended the agency’s use of rectal rehydration, calling it a “medical procedure.”

The back and forth with CNN’s Jake Tapper was in reference to the Senate’s report released this week that describes interrogation techniques the CIA employed in the years after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001.

When Tapper began talking about specific torture methods and mentioned the use of rectal rehydration, Hayden interrupted the host, saying, “Stop, that was a medical procedure that was done because of detainee health.”

Hayden said officials saw dehydrated detainees and had “limited options” and that using an intravenous needle would be “dangerous with a non-cooperative detainee.”

Tapper retorted, “But puréeing hummus and pine nuts?”

“Jake, I’m not a doctor and neither are you, but what I am told is this is one of the ways that the body is rehydrated, these were medical procedures,” Hayden said.

“You’re really defending rectal rehydration?” Tapper asked.

I guess the part where they were putting feces in the prisoners' food was medicinal, too?

Hayden is shameless. Just shameless.

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