Jon Stewart Tears Into Race Baiters Over At Fox For ‘Race Plagiarism’ On Ferguson

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart explained what's really getting under the skin of the right wing pundits on Fox who have been fanning the flames over the protests in Ferguson.

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart explained what's really getting under the skin of the right wing pundits on Fox who have been fanning the flames over the protests in Ferguson.

Stewart Tears into Ferguson Response, Rips Fox News for ‘Race Plagiarism’:

Jon Stewart returned from break tonight to tackle the response to Ferguson, and dwelled not on the grand jury decision itself, but on the reaction to the decision, especially on Fox News. Stewart thought non-violence protesters were just “speaking out against systemic injustice,” but didn’t get that listening to a lot of the TV news commentary.

Stewart argued Michael Brown is more than an isolated incident and all these people wouldn’t be wasting time “protesting a non-existent problem.” He mocked the idea that these people were egged on by “racial arsonists.” Sean Hannity in particular invoked President Obama, Eric Holder, and Al Sharpton. [...]

But what really got to Stewart was Fox blaming a victim mentality when, as he pointed out, Fox creates a mentality of persecution and victimization aimed at its conservative audience on a daily basis. And so, he concluded, maybe the crime isn’t “race pimping or race arson, it’s race plagiarism.”

The only place you're allowed to be worked into a frenzy over your perceived victimhood is over at Faux "news" people. Get with the program! Once again, it takes a comedian to lay bare the sheer hypocrisy and fearmongering we see day after day over at Fox, while the other so-called "news" networks continue to do their best to become Fox-lite.


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