Jonathan Gentry Says Ferguson Protesters Glorifying Black Ignorance

There are a handful of black guests Fox News employs to satisfy the racist bloodlust of its viewers. Reverend Gentry is one of those people.

Fox News tries desperately to appear as if they are an equal opportunity network. Since they have a nice handful of African Americans who validate their insane racist opinions, it satisfies their delusional multi-cultural perception. To the average viewer, afflicted with a raging case of Obama Derangement Syndrome, these token black 'experts' are not offended by the use of excessive force towards minorities. Each and every one dismisses the killing of Michael Brown by a police officer as par for the course, but avoid the issue by lamenting the lack of focus on black on black crime. It's part of the GOP talking points memo.

Dr. Ben Carson, Crystal Wright, Kevin Jackson and FBN's Charles Payne seem to believe America is an equal opportunity country where anyone can make it if they fit neatly into an obedient right wing package. Each of these pundits claim the problem is not systemic racism or the police targeting black men, but the racist shit-stirrers from 'the Democrat party.' Those liberal-Obama apologists are working in tandem to keep the black man dependent on handouts and 'entitlements.'

Today's token black conservative wingnut is a previous guest who displayed an impressive amount of faux outrage at how black people are still tore up from the floor up. In fact, Gentry has a cavalcade of clichés that make as much sense as a nice helping of Sarah Palin word salad with extra dressing.

CAVUTO: Wow. That was Minister Johnathan Gentry when Ferguson riots first broke out this past summer. Fast forward to today with more of the latest protesters maybe on the fast track of becoming Time Magazine's “Person of the Year.”

The preacher back and I would imagine a tad fired up. Minister, very good to have you. What do you make of this?

GENTRY: What we're doing is glorifying ignorance. That's what we're doing. This is out of control, what the media is pushing out and what we're seeing in this city is disgusting. It is disgusting. I'm going to be like Charles Barkley and say this is disgusting because you want everything else around you changed except yourself. That is no way to survive. You are not going to make it. Ask yourself, look at yourself, that's all I'm saying.

A lot of African Americans think I'm against my culture and against my race. I hate my race. I am only telling you to look in the mirror before you want to point fingers at anyone else, because we are taking Michael Brown and making the epitome of the African American community all over the globe.

Let's look at the scoreboard of African American males killed in our own communities. Let's just take a look at that. Let's take racism out the equation. Let's take the police department out the equation and let's look at our own communities.

Eric Holder, Obama, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Najee Ali, any of these activists have to look themselves in the mirror before protesting to anyone else in their communities and say “We need to change.”

I'm doing your job. I'm doing Eric Holder's job, because I'm not going to tell a police department, a nation to change when we're still tore up from the floor up. We need a checkup from the neck up. God has to hit the brakes on what you're going, plain and simple. This is God's doing.

I am moving on his authority, his wisdom, his power, his might and his will will be done and his word is not going to come back void and it shall succeed in the manner in which it was sent...

CAVUTO: Al Sharpton says he's acting the word of God. What do you think?

GENTRY: Sir, if that's not a lie if you haven't heard one. I mean, how could you say you're acting on the word of God and you're fueling hate into an innocent generation? How? Tell me? Not just you, anyone. How can you say this man is acting on God? God is love. God's word is pure.

You're fueling hate into what you went through into an innocent generation. You are reliving your past into an innocent generation that did not witness what you did. You understand? You're just rejuvenating pain into an innocent generation and God is hitting the brakes on you and everyone else that follows your foolishness and and mess. That's what I'm here to tell you sir.

CAVUTO: Minister, I don't think I could add to that. I want to thank you very, very much.

Thanks so much, Gentry, for validating the perception of the superiority of white people to the Fox News viewers. The real welfare recipients, the corporations who fund the brigade of liars at Faux News, get billions upon billions in corporate welfare. But if Fox News can distract people with a shiny object like Gentry, they are doing their job. The paltry sums of public assistance for poor Americans pales in comparison to the obscene amounts of money these liars scam off the public coffers, but their audience will see the black people as the takers. Throw in a little bit of religion and Jeebus, and you will be doing the Lord's work for the Republican party and their dishonest television network.

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