Leaving Vietnam Proved To Be Okay. Why Not Afghanistan, Fox News?
McCain cautions us about leaving Afghanistan en masse December 31, 2014. You'd think a Vietnam Vet would view both situations as equally futile.
Sounding more and more like a CIA Operative on Homeland, Senator John McCain berates President Obama for honoring the agreement to leave that was agreed upon by both countries. On September 30, 2014, The long-delayed agreements were signed a day after President Ashraf Ghani took office, marking his administration's first major act and ushering in improved ties with Afghanistan's international backers.
McCain sighed through his interview with Greta Van Susteren. To make matters worse, that crazy irresponsible president went on vacation, as his predecessor did far more often. McCain said it should be a condition-driven withdrawal, not a date-driven withdrawal. The attacks on the school in Peshawar show that the Taliban is resurging, as these attacks seldom occur in the winter. But we have been on a gradual draw-down of our troops since the surge in 2011.
He was also there to push his book, 13 Soldiers, which features soldiers in various conflicts all the way back to the Revolutionary War. He said he even interviewed African-American soldiers for the compilation of stories, so take that, Obama!
Greta asked McCain what he thought about Jeb Bush "dipping his toe in the waters for 2016." He proclaimed the lack of surprise that he, being such a good Governor of Florida, is a natural choice for the spot in the GOP. But if his guy pal, Lindsey Graham decides to run, he's "all in for him."
Lastly, Greta mentions Dr. Afridi, the Pakistani man who helped us find Bin Laden. He's still in prison, both Greta and McCain assert, and he wouldn't be there if that silly, feckless president hadn't given away his identity. It's always Obama's fault. But nothing good like the economy or killing Bin Laden could ever be attributed to the 44th President.