Nevada GOP Majority Leader Vows To Get Our Gun Rights Back
Michele Fiore, Nevada Republican star of soft porn and Bundy Ranch notoriety is trying to get looser gun laws and tighter voter ID laws.
I don't think people realize the consequences of staying home during a midterm election. Nevada's Cliven Bundy Caucus does not disappoint the people who seem happy with the batshit crazy caucus in Nevada.
The Las Vegas Review Journal (as reported by reports.
December 3, Fiore said: "We're getting our gun rights back this session, period."
She said constituents can expect to see bills allowing concealed carry permit holders to carry guns for self-defense on campuses of the Nevada System of Higher Education. She also says she wants to see high schools adopt "rifle clubs" again, so young people are exposed to firearm safety and responsible gun ownership.
In addition to expanding the exercise of gun rights in this way, Fiore says she will push for the repeal of gun control measures on the books. She specifically said she "would push for bills eliminating Clark County's 'blue card' gun registration program."
The "blue card" program requires individuals who buy a handgun in Clark County to register the weapon with the police. Fiore wants that registration program ended.
In addition to recovering gun rights, Fiore also plans to push a Voter ID law for Nevada.
Michele FIore, the newly appointed GOP majority leader in the Nevada Assembly is very proud of her guns and her film career as a soft porn star. She is a true Teabagging Conservative, all the way down to her tight jeans.

Nevada was a Blue State in 2012. However, the low turnout of the 2014 midterms has driven Nevada right past the Purple State exit and right into solid Red Statehood. Voter turnout will prove to be deadly for future victims of the inevitable Nevada gun violence. Fiore wants to arm college students, so just use your imagination to see where that's headed.