No, Ted Cruz Did Not Say That Bush-Era Interrogation Tactics Were Torture

TPM gets this one wrong...

No, Ted Cruz Did Not Say That Bush-Era Interrogation Tactics Were Torture

I'm a fan of Talking Points Memo, but this is wrong:

Cruz Calls CIA Interrogation Tactics Revealed In Senate Report 'Torture'

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) described the tactics used by CIA post-9/11 as "torture" during a Wednesday speech.

Breitbart's Charlie Spiering asked Cruz about the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA torture.

"Do you think that what occurred after 9/11 hurt our moral authority?" Spiering asked.

Cruz reponded by criticizing the release of the report as political and condemning the harsh interrogation tactics CIA agents used on detainees....

No, that's not what he did. He condemned torture in the abstract. That's no different from George W. Bush saying, "We don't torture." It implies that the definition of torture is "bad stuff other than what Americans did to detainees after 9/11."

Here's the video of Cruz's speech and the Q&A session that followed, from the Heritage Society website.

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