The Rick Perry Academic Building

I’m kinda sad. I think “Double Digit IQ Hall” would have been a great name for an academic building.

Okay, so here’s the deal.

On December 12th the Regents at Texas A&M University decided to name the main academic building at A&M after Governor Rick Perry. On December 16th, they announced it to the public.

On December 17th, Rick Perry said it was “a great honor.”

Sometime during those two days, somebody realized that Perry barely graduated and had a 2.5 grade point average.

On December 18, students spoke up.

More than 7,000 signatures have been gathered on a petition circulated by the Texas A&M University student Senate asking the board of regents not to change the name of the historic Academic Building for Gov. Rick Perry.

At 12:12 pm on December 18th …

The Texas A&M University Board of Regents meeting has been cancelled. The only agenda item on the special meeting was honoring Gov. Rick Perry with a resolution and the proposed renaming of the Academic Building.

The cancellation follows days of push-back on social media by thousands of current and former students. Many have expressed anger that the proposal was not made public until the meeting agenda was posted on Tuesday and that the public and student body had no opportunity to comment.

Okay, now here’s the reason why Perry had a 2.5 GPA. At 12:44 pm, 32 minutes after the Board of Regents pulled back on naming the building after him …

Gov. Rick Perry is urging the board of regents now not to rename the Academic Building in his honor.

No, no, Honey. You can’t give it back if they decided not to give it to you.

I’m kinda sad. I think “Double Digit IQ Hall” would have been a great name for an academic building.And, yes, Perry appointed the Board of Regents.

And, yes, they missed a chance to be the only university to have their academic building named after a probable convicted felon.

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