Scott Walker: Oy To The World!
Scott Walker once again is shown to be holiday- and spelling-challenged.

Last year, I broke the story about Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker sending a fundraiser email in which he told people not to waste their money buying Christmas presents for their children but should send that money to his campaign instead.
Today, the people at One Wisconsin Now reported that they found that Christmas wasn't the only holiday that Walker has problems with.
Combing through the emails released from the first of two John Doe investigations into Walker's illegal campaigning, they found the following letter sent by Walker, then Milwaukee County Executive, addressed to Frank Gimbel, a Milwaukee attorney, saying he would be glad to display a menorah in the Milwaukee County Courthouse:

The gentle reader will note that he closed the letter with "Thank you again and Molotov."
It kind of gives a whole new meaning to lighting the Menorah.
Also noteworthy is that the corporate media is excusing Walker's gaffe by saying that he meant to say "Mozel Tov" and that it was probably just an issue with an errant AutoCorrect.
What they don't report is that this is not the only time that Walker had a case of bad spelling related to a holiday.
Walker also had a lot of issues when he wrote a tribute to Abraham Lincoln near Presidents Day:
Walker the historian gives us a comment on Lincoln's most famous speech, and misspells a great man's name twice in the process:
"At (sic) his Gettysburg Address, Lincoln famously said, 'Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal' This was not just lip service, as evidenced from the words of contemporaries like Frederick Douglas (sic), former slave and early civil rights leader. Douglas (sic) said Lincoln was 'the first great man that I talked with in the United States freely who in no single instance reminded me of the difference between himself and myself, of the difference of color.'"
Walker's screed against the Democrats, disguised as a tribute to Lincoln, goes on to say, "This sediment (sic) that all men are is equal is evidenced in the Republican Party's current platform of equal taxes on all, and opportunity for all regardless of race, gender, or age ... Contrast that with the tenants (sic) of the (sic) Barack Obama and the Democrat (sic) party ... "
And just think folks, this man wants to be your next president.