Sen. Rubio Calls Obama 'Worst Negotiator' Over Cuba Agreement

"It’s part of long record of coddling dictators and tyrants this administration has.”

Sen. Marco "I used to be Mark" Rubio accused Obama of trading concessions for “symbolic gestures,” and accused Obama of being “the worst negotiator that we’ve had as president…maybe in the modern history of the country.” Because freedom!

“My interest in Cuba has been the furthering of democracy and freedom,” Rubio said. “Nothing the president will announce today will further that goal…It’s part of long record of coddling dictators and tyrants this administration has.”

“They’ve created no economic openings, no concessions on freedom of speech, no concessions on elections, no alternative political parties. …The idea that this leads to democratic opening is absurd, but it is par for the course for an administration possibly giving away unilateral concessions for Iran or Cuba in exchange for nothing.”

And of course he's blowing smoke out his nether regions. A U.S. delegation will travel to Cuba next month to negotiate the terms. But nice try there, Mark!

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