Trey Gowdy: Don't Take President Obama's Bait On Immigration

The S.C. Republican cautions Republicans not to overreact on Immigration with a shutdown, but by refusing to confirm any Executive Nominations.

America's Newsroom's Bill Hemmer asked bad-hair-day-sufferer and Benghazi 'expert' Representative Trey Gowdy (R-SC) his thoughts on what the Republicans are going to do with the brazen, imperial immigration action by the president. He asked Gowdy-Doody,

"How do you read the law on whether he had the legal authority?"


There's a difference between exercising prosecutorial discretion on a case by case basis. All prosecutors do that, but to announce ahead of time we're no longer going to prosecute certain categories of crime with respect to immigration, that's not criminal, that's a civil matter. Now you're arguing the president can suspend all civil remedies and added to that you're now arguing not only can we not impose sanctions on you, but we can confer benefits on you. So Bill think about this, we can not prosecute you for crime, we can confer benefits on you, and we can pardon you if you do commit any crimes, why have a Congress or a Supreme Court, just have a president?

Hemmer asks what Republicans are prepared to do.

That's a great's careful that we not take the bait. What the president wants us to do is to over-respond so our public approval ratings are as low as his...where John McCain says, you know what Mr. President, if you want to act like an emperor we're gonna do our job and not confer advice and consent and not approve your nominees. The funding gets us into a shutdown debate.

I'm not sure where Gowdy is getting his statistics, but the latest approval ratings for the GOP Congress is at 9% while President Obama's ratings are around 40%. This is another fine example of GOP math where 9%>40%.

The latest 'controversy' is the GOP believes the nominees President Obama picked to ambassadorships to Hungary and Argentina are largely unqualified. We'll just forget about "Heckuva Job Brownie" who headed FEMA after a career in Arabian Horse Stewardship. Because an ambassador needs to be an affable person to make friends in other countries, the Republicans are outraged a smart business woman and producer of a soap opera is the choice.

The gist of this interview? How is the Republican party going to f%*k with the president as obnoxiously as possible, because how else would they maintain their sky high 9% approval rating?

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