The Washington Free Beacon Shows How Bad Republicans Are At Humor
This parody video helps assert the fact that Republicans are really bad at being funny. Matthew Continetti leads the brigade of trite humor that misses the mark.
The Washington Free Beacon, a publication that leans just a bit to the right, has made a video that further cements the fact that Republicans are just not good at humor, in addition to being terrible at governance. It's spearheaded by the privileged Koch-worshipping Matthew Continetti who is hardly considered macho.
Real Men Of Freedom 2014, opens with the slow motion firing of a bullet from a gun. It then evolves into showing straight Jack Daniels Whiskey drinking, cigarettes, half naked women, killing terrorists and f@!king punching a hippy.
It's supposed to be hilarious but I am not sure what exactly is so funny. As someone who prefers the slightly more cerebral Patton Oswalt or Louis C.K., this comes off as trite and obvious. Continetti has a history of contorting reality.
The Washington Free Beacon is just another right-leaning site that is as good at comedy as Dennis Miller and Victoria Jackson. They have a history of sucking terribly at funny. If you're watching, careful, language is a little NSFW.
Perhaps what they are scared of is the complete lack of unity in the GOP. Between Cuba and immigration, the Right knows they are facing a losing battle. The infighting between Marco Rubio and Rand Paul is just one example of how fractured they are.
The real purpose of the video is clear when you reach the end. The scary music followed by a classic Hillary Clinton giggle shows just how terrified the Right Wing is of Hillary Clinton or any Democratic candidate for that matter. They decide a graphic saying Are You Man Enough? is funny, while it just illustrates their misogynist thinking. Republicans, stay away from comedy. Unless you want to show a compilation of Louis Gohmert, Steve King, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann trying to be witty, you will surely miss your mark, GOP.