Black Sheriff On Fox News: NAACP Is A Political Propaganda Tool Of The Left
Fox News uses one of their handy anti-Obama African American pundits to disparage the NAACP's reaction to an officer-involved shooting.
There's never a shortage of Uncle Ruckus-black men on Fox News ready to vilify the "father-absent homes" of the stereotypical African-American family. These pundits, in this case Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, come equipped with essential anti-Obama/anti-Holder talking points that are mandatory for a guest appearance with the perspicacious Brian Kilmeade. Today's topic: The NAACP is critical of another black man shot by law enforcement when other means of submission were present.
The shooting took place in Oklahoma, so naturally, the sheriff from Wisconsin is the perfect choice to provide an accurate assessment of the situation. Kilmeade explains that the perpetrator/victim resisted arrest, threw something on the ground (a gun in this case) and ran. So what else was an officer to do but apply lethal force? It was painfully obvious from the outset of the interview that Clarke thought this was completely justified as he labeled the incident "a good shoot, a justifiable shoot." Then his true purpose was revealed with this propaganda-laden statement about the NAACP.
"This once proud organization, that was a force for good, has relegated itself into irrelevancy and I challenge anybody to name the last significant accomplishment that the NAACP has achieved in the United States for people of color; I'd would probably say it was the 1964 Civil Rights Act. And since then, this organization has become nothing more than a political propaganda entity for the Left."
Clarke then brings up the "real" problem in the black community and what the NAACP should be focused on:
the behavior of our young black men.
Why is this stuff happening and what can we do about it? It's father-absent homes! Apparently this is a problem exclusive to the black community, or at least that's how Fox News is presenting it. The problem never lies with the easily accessible firearms, that couldn't be a cause of violence.
Clarke suggests we leave the cops out of it, because they are not the real problem, EVER. How do we get role models for young black men in this country without fathers present? That's what the NAACP should be doing, not reporting incidents of obvious police brutality. Of course, there are criminals and mentally unstable people of every race and creed, yet somehow, the black people are the ones getting shot.
What about young white men? The amount of single-parent white children is actually greater if you go by raw numbers. Fox News always has a way of getting a dig into the President Obama and his Attorney General, Eric Holder, by demonizing black families. David Clarke is just another puppet of Rupert Murdoch's GOP-TV, used to racially divide their brown-phobic, target audience.