Cosmic Insight ~ Road To Nowhere
Cosmic forecast for creating balance with personal development and relationship compatibility.

During the past weeks, there has been a lot of rocking and rolling.. especially with the recent square of Uranus (change, awakenings) and Pluto (destruction, regeneration)... but also with Uranus stationing direct. The shakiness in the foundation of either our situations, our relationships, or our internal selves has been a reminder to what was overlooked, unhinged, and barely hanging on. What was left unattended and wobbly, eventually broke loose and was forced to fall - while spilling the real source of what had been ignored and disregarded. What we left as weak and unstable - we left to fall and crumble, or to crash and burn. This decision would cause spontaneous break ups and abrupt breakdowns, as well as surprise breakthroughs.
The powerful force from the shift of Uranus Direct manifested unexpected jolts with a new rotation. This extreme movement was contributed by our own inner revolution during the past months. As perspectives altered, rebellious acts followed - creating our truth and a new awareness for necessary changes. In our own unique way, we had dramatically solved a problem, while discovering our originality and potential along the way. Now we move back to life and the evolutionary process.
You have to know the past to understand the present. Dr. Carl Sagan
Integrity with an ambitious need to succeed continues to lead us forward with the Capricorn Sun. This helps to support us in the theme of this new year, as we 'power up' all of our inner resources for resolutions and new directions. 2015 holds powerful energy as 2 + 0 + 1 + 5 = 8. We've got the symbol and sign; that inspires 'to infinity and beyond'. So it's best if we finally finish up with the loose ends, useless thoughts and unproductive behaviors of 2014.
Unfortunately though, the sentimental longing from today's Cancer Full Moon may not be very helpful. This lunar energy tends to hoard a lifetime of years in memories, photographs, treasured keepsakes and experiences of the past. This can influence us to sympathize more, so that we can allow ourselves to still love, care and nourish all that still feels so wonderfully precious - which keeps us stuck and living in the past. Emotional glitches from this evening aspects could heavily distract us from being our most gentle, loving heart, so it will be wise to not hold onto anything that is internally uncomfortable, to avoid dark shadows that can block well intentions from our big beautiful shine.
Healing is a process of revealing not removing. Jim Lockard
We can make better use of tonight's Cancer Full Moon by appreciating what was once very much alive, so that we can acknowledge the fact that it isn't alive, so that it can be put to rest. Allow the brilliant light from Cancer Full Moon to shine on the truth, to REALLY see what we've been internally clinging onto - which is gone and in the past. It's a time for endings and letting go, so let's embrace the insight we receive, then bury our scars and sacred yesteryears. As we create real closure, we can free ourselves from our own sufferings and limitations. And we can prepare and own a brand new chapter.
True love doesn't have a happy ending, because true love never ends. Letting go is one way of saying I love you.
We'll get a little help from our friends as Mercury (thoughts, communications) and Venus (values, love, money) have both moved into freedom-seeking Aquarius over the weekend. With this three week transit, Mercury in Aquarius helps us through a speedy recovery as we seek ways to break free from unnecessary attachments. Through awareness and imagination, we'll mentally journey through cosmic realms where fresh perspectives, alternative solutions and higher frequencies exist.
With Venus in Aquarius, we can celebrate a new sense of freedom that comes with a delightful breath of fresh air. Hearts open to a new level during the next few weeks ahead, which introduces us to exciting opportunities through what is strange & unusual, flirting with the unknown, and by expecting the unexpected. We'll want more of a higher human connection, and through the Law of Attraction, we can attract like-minded souls. 'As within, So without'. A fresh sense of adoration develops as well for raw beauty, uniqueness, the naked truth and for being true to ourselves. So as we look for love in all the wrong places, we can discover exactly what we need in these strong aspects with Uranus (change, awakenings) & Pluto (destruction, regeneration). If you're having a difficult time in shifting; I'm available got personalized insight and guidance here.
Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere. Dr. Carl Sagan
After a few years of traveling through transformative Scorpio, Taskmaster Saturn changed signs and entered into the wide open plains of Sagittarius for the next two and a half years. Where we tend to 'claim our individual right', to move freely (occasionally trespassing out of bounds), as we help ourselves to move through life - we'll find that our 'usual path' will detoured and under construction. With Saturn in Sagittarius, we can experience new restrictions in areas ruled by Sagittarius, ruler Jupiter (in Leo) and the ninth house, such as; optimism, freedom, travel, walking, adventure, journeys, exploration, expansion, the experience, risk-taking, gambling, sports, free-lancing, 'free for all', smiles, laughter, voicing ourself, storytelling, publications, truth, education, universities, listening, higher learning, morals, religion, church, self-righteousness, spirituality, the meaning of life, beliefs, knowledge, wisdom, obesity, with the related body parts: the liver, hips, and thighs.
As Saturn moves through Sagittarius, we're left unguided, so that we can fall into our own traps of ignorance and limitations. Through these tougher times, we can respect Saturn's teachings - which help us locate our own weaknesses, so that we can learn responsibility, through inner strength and self-discipline. Through this protective involvement, free hand-outs will be limited, in order to reduce waste, entitlement, while possibly decreasing the waistline. With good practice and hard work (or tough hardships for life lessons), we'll eventually learn how to 'tighten our own belt' through self-improvement, economizing, rationing where there is too much access to the excess; to conserve our fiery energy and sacred resources.
We were but stones... your light made us stars. Eddie Vedder
Saturn's karmic lessons through Sagittarius can teach us how to be honest, responsible, and REAL about where we've been on our journey, with new concrete wisdom about where we're actually going. We'll learn that what we had believed in, has been untrue and unfaithful, as we collect concrete evidence on the way. Whether we like it or not, Saturn will prove what has been authentic and beneficial, but also that which has been a complete waste of time and energy. As our beliefs, with 'all that we learned' are generously trimmed down to the bone - we may realize that we've been running around in circles for a long, long, time. And this my friends, reminds me of some of the lyrics from the Talking Heads: 'Well, we know where we're goin', But we don't know where we've been. And we know what we're knowin', But we can't say what we've seen. We're on a road to nowhere'. Tarot insight from Strength/Queen Pents: The power of self-trust. Happy New Year & Happy Full Moon! May we all embrace each current and tumble that directs us toward our higher purpose. For information about the author or a personalized consult, click here.