Fox News Outraged That DeBlasio Reappoints 'Controversial' Judge
Mayor DeBlasio delivers another "blow" to the NYPD by reappointing a judge they don't like.
Mayor DeBlasio seems to be as hated by the NYPD as President Obama is hated by Republicans. No matter what the popular, liberal mayor decides to do, his actions are interpreted by his critics as deliberately spiteful to law enforcement. The latest 'controversy' is sparked by his reappointment of a judge who released (on Own Recognizance) two men, without bail, who threatened police officers on social media.
Sgt. Patrick Cullen, President of the New York State Supreme Court Officers Association met with Brian Kilmeade to fan the flames of conflict between the police and the mayor. Since Mayor DeBlasio, with heartfelt sincerity, told his son,
...A good young man, law-abiding young man who would never think to do anything wrong. And yet, because of a history that still hangs over us, the dangers he may face, we’ve had to literally train him—as families have all over this city for decades—in how to take special care in any encounter he has with the police officers who are there to protect him,
This automatically means he is throwing the NYPD under the bus. Somehow, the fact that DeBlasio said who are there to protect him, is left out of the conversation.
Mayor Bill de Blasio on Wednesday reappointed a controversial judge who set no bail for a teenager accused of threatening police. Brooklyn Criminal Court Judge Laura Johnson was criticized for releasing Devon Coley, 18, of Brooklyn. He was arrested Dec. 22 and charged with making terroristic threats on social media.
The Mayor's Office explained (see graphic):
It's a disgraceful decision by this mayor, who has been motivated solely by the advancement of his radical agenda.
Cullen believes that Mayor DeBlasio has caused a rift that cannot be repaired. DeBlasio has created a system predicated on political advancement and nepotism. He practically asserts that the mayor seems to side with people who look like his wife, and these black people are just not qualified. The NYPD, with its sordid history of racial profiling, will never like a mayor who treats African Americans with compassion and consideration. Period.
Cullen is a window into the utter obstinacy of New York's law enforcement who refuse to work with this popularly elected mayor. The Supreme Court Officers Association proudly posts their leader's Fox News appearance on their website. Obviously they will continue to scrutinize every action of Mayor DeBlasio.