Fox's KT McFarland Conflates Iran-Contra With Bergdahl Prisoner Swap

Releasing prisoners and swapping them for our own soldier is not the same as trading arms for hostages. McFarland forgets the details of Iran-Contra, like a good Repubican.

Martha MacCallum claims that when we exchanged five prisoners for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, we opened up Pandora's Box. Her interview began with,

'Lots to talk about with K.T. McFarland.'

K.T. McFarland was Ronald Reagan's Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs, from 1982-1985. The former Reagan Administration official was asked about the current trade of prisoners for an American couple imprisoned in Qatar. McFarland, like any Republican, glorifies the Reagan Administration and completely erases the criminal conduct that plagued his presidency. It seems she had a tenuous grasp on sanity, and still does.

Prior to the 2012 election where Obama won in a landslide, she romanticized the Romney-Ryan ticket.

With a Romney-Ryan ticket, it's like Reagan again! It's like saying, we have big problems. We can solve big problems. And if the United States is the only mature democracy in the world that can do that, it sets the world on a whole new direction. I think it's brilliant!

McFarland and MacCallum tag team Obama's foreign policy by fearmongering over any prisoner swaps conducted by the Administration. K.T. sees all the problems beginning last May when Bergdahl's release was secured by a trade of Taliban prisoners held in Cuba.

The real problem was when we swapped the Jihadist terrorists at Gitmo for Bowe Bergdahl... Is there a connection between the release of the jihadist prisoner, this Al Qaeda guy, and the family in Qatar, well the administration says no. But let me tell you, I worked for a president who was "accused" of trading hostages for arms and IT almost brought down a presidency. There is a very good reason we don't do this, we know our allies do, it is a mistake EVERY TIME.

What does the Iran-Contra scandal have to do with the prisoner swap? Not a thing, it's a ridiculous comparison. Iran-Contra wasn't merely just arms for hostages with the Iranians. Reagan's Administration was committed, since his first term, to rid Central America of the Sandanistas (who received operational support from a Cuban military general and weapons from the Soviet Union) and overtly and covertly funded the Contras in Nicaragua.

While the Administration was discussing Contra funding in 1986, “North came upon the idea of overcharging the Iranians” for weapons sold to them by Americans “and using the surplus to fund the Contra resupply operation and other covert activities.”

Needless to say, Reagan was definitely complicit in the affair. One of McFarland's coworkers at Fox News, Oliver North, was neck-deep in scandal. Time Magazine featured the anniversary of Iran-Contra in July, 2014, with a look back to Reagan's second term.

25 years ago, Marine Lieutenant Colonel Oliver North did something really, really bad. He sold weapons to Iran in an effort to help fund rebels fighting Nicaragua’s Socialist government.

It was a war that was already being funded by the small country’s cocaine trade, a fact that prompted Congress to halt the flow of money from the U.S. to Nicaragua.

McFarland forgets it was much, much more than an accusation. North was given a deferred sentence of three years and a hefty fine, over this "minor crime." Ironically, Oliver North also objected to the conditions of Bergdahl's release.

I think if both McFarland and North are against an action of the Obama Administration, it gives it much more credibility and integrity. Iran-Contra does not equal Bowe Bergdahl (Iran-Contra ≠ Bergdahl Swap) It's just another analytic problem with Republican math.

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