Hartmann: Why Won't The Media Call Out Republicans?

Thom Hartmann on our corporate media, which always gives Republicans and their agenda a pass.

Progressive radio host discusses the latest from our newly elected Republican majority in the Congress which includes something we discussed here, their first order of business, which was cooking the books with something called dynamic scoring.

HARTMANN: Corky just a minute ago made the point... by the way, Jim Javinsky, our video guy said, we should call it dynamic screwing rather than dynamic scoring, because it's screwing the average American. It's going to help out the Koch brothers. It's going to help out the billionaires. Dynamic scoring is wonderful for them. It justifies more tax cuts for rich people and big corporations.

The justification that "oh it will reduce the deficit!" Keep in mind that when Reagan tried this it tripled our national debt. It was the fastest increase in the national debt outside of wartime in the history of the United States all the way back to the George Washington administration. That's how badly it worked. And the Republicans introduced it yesterday.

Hartmann went onto go after our media for making sure the American people don't realize what their agenda is.

HARTMANN: The agenda of the Republican party is very simple and straight forward. It's more money for the rich. Less benefits for the poor. "Less government" or "smaller government" is merely a catchphrase that means no social safety net. The Republican mantra is to hell with unemployment benefits -- and I don't understand why the Democrats didn't run on this last November, two months ago -- the Republicans have been holding hostage for 14 months now an extension of long-term unemployment benefits. That to me is one hell of a big deal.

But the media refuses to talk about it. I know that Bernie Sanders, Peter DeFazio, Keith Ellison, there's a number of good members of Congress who have spoken out and spoken out loudly about how the Republicans were holding unemployment benefits hostage. It never gets reported in the media.

We have a corporate media that serves corporate interests. Period. It's very simple. And the right wing message is that media's... that's their song.

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