Hey, Molly, It’s Not Muslims Threatening State Representatives! You’re Thinking Of The Open Carry Thugs.
Yesterday was Texas Muslim Capitol Day. The event is organized by the Texas chapters of the Council on American-Islam Relations.
I want y’all to meet Republican State Representative Molly White.
Molly is sweet little Christian thing who just got herself elected to the Texas House by the people of Bell County. Molly defeated a moderate Republican incumbent in the GOP primary.
Yesterday was Texas Muslim Capitol Day. The event is organized by the Texas chapters of the Council on American-Islam Relations. It is meant as a day where members of the Muslim community can lobby lawmakers.
Molly ran home. Seriously. She vacated the capitol. It was fine with her for the Open Carry hoodlums to threaten a member of the legislature, requiring him and his family to have a security detail, but Muslims …. well, that’s just going too far.
She tweeted —
Today is Texas Muslim Capital Day in Austin. The House is in recess until Monday. Most Members including myself... http://t.co/QYVAbiEmu7
— Molly White (@MollyWhiteTX) January 29, 2015
Now, how Molly plans on having her secretary enforce that is unclear. I’m hoping maybe she can broker a Middle East agreement.
I’m wondering if I visit her office, do I have to renounce Timothy McVey and the KKK?
And I dunno know about you, but I think she should have a Texas or American flag on her desk.