Huckabee Claims He Didn't See Nugent Controversy Coming

Mike Huckabee claims he never saw the criticism for his palling around with Ted Nugent coming.

After Jon Stewart went after Mike Huckabee on The Daily Show and called him out for palling around with Ted Nugent and his hypocrisy for attacking Beyonce, it seems poor old Huckabee can't even go out and try to sell his book any more without being asked about it.

Alan Colmes had Mike Huckabee on his radio show this Tuesday and he pressed him on his decision to embrace Ted Nugent as well. (This is about four and a half minutes into the segment above.)

COLMES: There you are playing Cat Scratch Fever, you know what those lyrics are, Ted Nugent did Wang Dang Sweet Pootang. This is a guy you embrace. This is a guy who called Hillary the “b” word, called Obama a p.o.s., a piece of you know what, and this is not the kind of culture I expect to be embraced by Mike Huckabee.

HUCKABEE: Well, first of all, even the lyrics that are in some of the more explicit Ted Nugent songs are not explicit. They're suggestive, highly suggestive, but I don't think there's much left to the...

COLMES: Wang Dang Pootang?

HUCKABEE: Look, I'm saying they're largely suggestive, but if you tried to read the lyrics to Partitian or Drunk in Love by Beyonce, you couldn't do it on the radio. You couldn't do it.

COLMES: Cat Scratch Fever is not Skitch Henderson.

HUCKABEE: Cat Scratch Fever is not Skitch Henderson, but it was geared towards adults. Beyonce is a hero to young women.

COLMES: You played Cat Scratch Fever with him on your show. I mean, your show isn't just for adults. And you know people of all ages watch your show.

HUCKABEE: Well, I don't think we have too many people under the age of 12 sitting there watching Fox News and even if they did, again the lyrics while suggestive, are not going to be as explicit. My point was that this was a 240 page book and half of a page.

COLMES: Well, you know how the media is. They pick up on this stuff that's going to get traction...

HUCKABEE: Of all of the things that I thought was going to cause some controversy I was prepared to be ready to defend, that was the one I didn't see coming.

How he didn't think his relationship with Nugent was going to be an issue is beyond me, especially when he, as Colmes later pointed out, is trying to paint himself as some sort of culture warrior. I think old Huck's been living in the Fox bubble for just a little bit too long.

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