Huckabee: Obama Giving Muslims 'Special Rights' While 'Stomping All Over Christians'

Mike Huckabee just can't quit playing the poor aggrieved tortured Christian card.

Mike Huckabee just can't quit playing the poor aggrieved tortured Christian card. The American Family Association may have fired Bryan Fischer as their spokesman, but there are still plenty more of them (including Fischer) out there on their radio shows ready to continue to spread the hate around, and to give extremists like Mike Huckabee a format for this latest nonsense.

Right Wing Watch isn't going to run out of content to monitor any time soon as long as they're willing to have their staff torture themselves and sit through these right wing evangelical "Christian" radio shows. Here's the latest from good old HuckaJesus.

Mike Huckabee: Obama Giving Muslims 'Special Rights' While 'Stomping All Over Christians':

Mike Huckabee stopped by the American Family Association’s radio network today to denounce the Obama administration as “incapable of knowing the difference between good and evil” in the fight against extremist groups.

The former governor and likely presidential candidate told Kevin McCullough of “AFA Today” that the Obama administration is “bending over backwards to do everything possible to accommodate Muslims but they don’t mind stomping all over Christians and they do it regularly. This is just the most astonishing reversal of true American tradition that I’ve ever seen.”

Huckabee, who in a previous appearance on American Family Radio said that the president is more familiar with madrassas than Boy Scout meetings, argued that the administration wants to let Muslims “enjoy special rights and privileges” while it at the same time ignores terrorists who claim they are motivated by Islam.

If Huckabee wants to be taken seriously as a presidential candidate, he might want to quit running to places like the AFA for interviews, but that's assuming a lot. I think he's in there for the money like the rest of the grifters and he'll run right back to Uncle Rupert's loving arms for a job once he's done milking the rubes who are foolish enough to send him money and buy his books. I guess it's a nice racket as long as you have no conscience and can look yourself in the mirror every morning with no worries about how you've conducted your life and who you've harmed because of it.

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