Jon Stewart Calls Out Mike Huckabee For Palling Around With Ted Nugent

The Daily Show's Jon Stewart called out Mike Huckabee for his double standard when it comes to Beyonce and his palling around with Ted Nugent.

This is long overdue. While interviewing now former Fox television host and potential GOP presidential candidate Mike Huckabee about the latest book he's peddling, The Daily Show's Jon Stewart did something we definitely don't see often enough any time this man is allowed on the air, which is to call him out for his friendship with Ted Nugent.

As we already discussed here, it seems HuckaJesus wasn't very happy with Beyonce and whether her dance moves are a good example for kids to be emulating. Jon Stewart apparently wasn't aware that Huckabee's show on Faux "news" aired on Saturday night when he asked him about playing Cat Scratch Fever with old diaper-boy Ted on his show, but other than that, his criticism was spot on with who Huckabee attacks and who he welcomes onto his show with open arms.

And I can tell you first hand that Huckabee is lying his ass off with his assertion that kids weren't attracted to Nugent's music and the song Cat Scratch Fever. I've got two younger brothers and a bunch of kids I went to grade school with who are living proof that Huckabee is full of crap.

I also loved that Huckabee utterly failed when he tried to say Stewart hadn't read his book. That's a mistake when coming on Stewart's show because he does actually read at least a good portion of the books that are written by all of the guests that are coming on his show and is generally more than ready to challenge them if they accuse him of taking them out of context, as he did here.

STEWART: So, that is a song that is called Cat Scratch Fever. The bass player there was a gentleman by the name of Mike Huckabee. That is a show in the middle of the day that children can watch...

HUCKABEE: No, it's at night.

STEWART: That ain't about bacteria.

HUCKABEE: It's not?

STEWART. No. But do you see my point? You excuse that type of crudeness because you agree with his stance on firearms. You don't approve of Beyonce because she seems alien to you. Johnny Cash shot a man just to watch him die!

HUCKABEE: Let me respond, however...

STEWART: That's some gangsta' shit!

HUCKABEE: These... let me respond. When Ted Nugent did that song, 1978, never got nominated for a Grammy. He didn't perform it on national television and in fact, do you know what the song of the year was... of that year was? It was a tie between Evergreen and You Light Up My Life and John Denver hosted the Grammys.

My point is, that song is an adult song, geared for adults, but today we have a very different kind of depiction and things that are considered perfectly okay for kids, and that's the difference.

STEWART: My point is you can't single out a corrosive culture and ignore the one that you live in because you're used to it and you don't feel that there...

HUCKABEE: I want you to go read the book and find...

STEWART: Oh I read it....

HUCKABEE: Did you? Okay.

STEWART: It ain't Shakespeare.

No Jon, it's not. Now let's see who else is willing to call him out for his double standards.

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