Media Finally Admits Palin Is A Joke Now That Conservatives Are Jumping Ship

It only took six years for some on the right to admit that Sarah Palin is a grifter whose only in it for herself.

If there's one thing you can count on, it's that no matter how terribly wrong you've been about just about everything for years on end now, if you're a conservative, you're still going to get some air time and treated as someone that should be taken seriously by our corporate media.

Case in point, we have MSNBC's Alex Witt, who brought on The Daily Caller's Matt Lewis to discuss his column at The Daily Beast this week, where he finally admitted that Sarah Palin might not be worth taking seriously. Ya' think Matt? This wasn't painfully obvious to you well before the presidential election was over as it was for most of us?

Lewis, who has been a big Palin cheerleader from way back actually got the treatment he deserved over at Balloon Juice the other day for his nonsense after John Cole read his column: Caught in a Desperate Act:

It’s not too often that you actually catch the rats in the act of scurrying to get off the sinking ship, but here’s a good view of Matt Lewis swimming for his life:

After quoting a good portion of Lewis' column and him trying to justify why he got things so wrong when his fellow conservative columnist Kathleen Parker got them right, Cole rightfully concluded:

What she saw was that Palin is and was an idiot. The reason you didn’t notice is because stupid people don’t notice stupidity until it is personally painful for them. And then, sometimes, they notice the pain, but don’t understand the source, and continue to blame it on the wrong thing, as the few remaining Palin dead-enders will no doubt do. In fact, here is Mark Hemingway doing just that- blaming the media for the fact that Palin is a moron.

Charlie Pierce let Lewis have it this week as well:

Here at the Cafe, the morning regulars were chewing on The Daily Caller, the skeletal tree on which Tucker Carlson has hung the bloody remains of his career. The Caller seems to have had something of a revelation as regards Princess Dumbass Of The Northwoods. [...]

Watching them toss her over the side has been great fun, but not as much fun as what I am sure is coming next -- Sarah Palin Against Just About Everybody Except Matt Continetti.

Matt Continetti and apparently Alex Witt. She opened the segment above by pretending she doesn't know Palin is nothing but a grifter of the highest order. Next up... let's bring on Bill Kristol and get his suggestions for the next Republican vice presidential nominee.

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