Mike Huckabee Falsely Claims He Toned Down Nugent's Lyrics

Harsh criticism for Beyoncé's music, but Mike Huckabee has no problem with the pedophile-inspired lyrics of Ted Nugent's 'Cat Scratch Fever.'

Mike Huckabee has let it be known that he thinks that Beyoncé's music is too risque and the President and Michelle Obama are irresponsible parents for allowing their teenage daughters to listen to her songs. The blindspot of his Beyoncé criticism was pointed out by Jon Stewart on the Daily Show, who showed the very same clip of Huckabee jamming with Ted Nugent on his Fox News program. Stewart alluded that he's accepting of Nugent's vulgarity because he agrees with his gun-crazy, right-wing politics. Huckabee claims that Nugent's music was for adults, unlike the pop star he compared to a prostitute.
During an interview with the Christian Post, Huckabee said, "

It's no small wonder why the culture has become so crude when fathers and mothers allow and even encourage their children to devour vulgar, misogynistic, and violent material when it's performed by 'cool' people like Jay-Z and Beyoncé," he wrote. "With the First Lady so concerned about making sure her daughters' bellies don't ingest unhealthy food, how can she let their brains ingest obnoxious and toxic mental poison in the form of song lyrics?"

If the lyrics to Nugent's songs weren't offensive, why did he feel the need to lie about it to a wholesome, Christian publication? He knows damn well that he's more accepting of Nugent not just because they are both right wing nuts with a love of guns, and it doesn't hurt that they are both white guys. For some odd reason, he feels the need to deride Michelle Obama's efforts at making American children less obese, as do many Republicans as well. Remember when Sarah Palin brought sugar cookies to a school just to spite the First Lady's efforts? Yep, the GOP never fails to be on the wrong side of every issue.

Have you seen Mike Huckabee's kids? Not exactly the epitome of fit and healthy people.

Huckabee and family
Worse yet, have you heard about his son's dog torturing proclivities? This is a man who should not cast judgement on ANYONE! Huckabee lives in a glass house and he should try to limit the stones he casts.
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