Texas GOP Says POTUS Is Doubling Down, Taking Us In The Direction Of Europe

A bitter Senator Jon Cornyn laments that President Obama is ignoring 'the mandate' of the lowest electoral turn-out since 1928. Does someone need a nap?

It's so nice to see Republicans getting a well-deserved, yet unexpected, ass whooping from the President of the United States with last night's SOTU address. As predicted, they contort the president's words into some contrived attack on "American values."

Fox and Friends began their own rebuttal segment with a clip of Valerie Jarrett, one of their favorite punching bags. Jarrett was stating the facts about 58 straight months of job growth, low unemployment,and a rising Stock Market but expressed her and President Obama's frustration that wages haven't kept up. The president's proposals on increasing the minimum wage have been fought tooth and nail. Last night he said, (without any applause or acknowledgement from Republican men)

"Of course, nothing helps families make ends meet like higher wages. That’s why this Congress still needs to pass a law that makes sure a woman is paid the same as a man for doing the same work. Really. It’s 2015. It’s time,"
"And to everyone in this Congress who still refuses to raise the minimum wage, I say this: If you truly believe you could work full-time and support a family on less than $15,000 a year, go try it. If not, vote to give millions of the hardest-working people in America a raise."

Nothing upsets wealthy Republicans like proposals to make things better for the average American. If you profess to believe in the utter garbage that is Trickle-Down Economics, you must oppose all efforts to help the middle class. It's certainly ironic that it's the booming economy fueling Obama's comeback,

considering Fox News has spent more than six years portraying Obama as an anti-capitalist puppet serving the dark forces of socialism. But today, with the stock market booming, gas prices plummeting, consumer confidence skyrocketing, and the GDP surging, it's the Democratic president who's getting credit for fixing the crumbling U.S. economy, inherited from a Republican.

Cornyn believes that the November 2014 midterms were a resounding statement that the country wants Republican leadership. This 114th Congress that has been in session only a few weeks, yet they want to take credit for the economic prosperity that Democratic policies have enabled. Cornyn and the rest of the Grand Obstinate Party wanted the president to put his tail between his legs and surrender to the whims of the conservatives in Congress. Instead, he gave a rousing speech that motivated the country to forge ahead with the values of the president they overwhelmingly support.

Steve Doocy asked Cornyn why the president would make so many proposals he knew were dead on arrival? So the Texas Republican said,

"He seems divorced from reality Steve, it's just a couple of months ago when the president said that his policies were on the ballot and they were resoundingly rejected. The American people know better. This kind of spin and cheerleading really ignores the fact that wages have been flat...in large part because of the policies of the president. It seems he's doubling down now trying to take us more in the direction of Europe than back to one of economic growth and prosperity for all."

Cornyn assumes that Fox News viewers have no knowledge of the economic standards that many of the prosperous European nations enjoy.

When POTUS made this comment, you could hear the right wing, 'oil'igarchs' heads exploding:

“Twenty-first century businesses need 21st century infrastructure — modern ports, stronger bridges, faster trains and the fastest internet. Democrats and Republicans used to agree on this. So let’s set our sights higher than a single oil pipeline. Let’s pass a bipartisan infrastructure plan that could create more than thirty times as many jobs per year, and make this country stronger for decades to come,”

The president promised to veto any legislation that will endanger American lives with unfettered pollution. So what did Cornyn conclude from the president's promise to reject Keystone XL and similar legislation that they seem so fond of?

"The president seems defiant, and he seems like he's not paying attention to what the voters told us on November the fourth.

Naturally, Cornyn leaves out the election's record low voter turnout and the fact that the president's approval rating is at an 18 month high.

To conclude, Doocy says, "He won twice, I don't know if you heard that."

Cornyn replied, "I did hear that. Duly noted."

Such an awkward attempt at comedic levity from the right wing spin-misters.

Watching them feel the burn is a welcome change from the bitter sting of a midterm with terrible Democratic turnout. The toughest thing for Republicans to wrap their heads around is that the majority of the country, mainly those who will turn out for a Presidential Election, don't buy their trickle-down malarkey. President Obama set up the Democratic party as the standard bearers of the Executive Branch in 2016, while the GOP Krazy Klown Kar struggles to nominate someone who is conservative enough for the Dominionist wing of the Party of No.

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