Scott Walker Comes Out With First Ad Fail

Who needs originality or accuracy when you're targeting low information voters?

Earlier this week, the news broke that Scott Walker had formed a presidential exploratory committee that he calls "Our American Revival." The name was chosen to give him that rural, redneck feel that a son of a preacher man should invoke, regardless of how far it is from reality.

Walker is already playing his silly games with it, claiming that is about the advancement of conservative goals and not his campaign.

Yeah, right.

Along with his non-campaign campaign committee, Walker rolled out his first presidential video (shown above). It's what you would imagine from a Teapublican - full of freedom talk, a swipe at Hillary Clinton, and more jingoism than is safe for consumption - but very little substance.

Almost immediately, BuzzFeed jumped on it, pointing out that a lot of the video was made of stock footage, which is not uncommon for political ads. But what makes if funny is that Mr. 'Murica's video is chock full of them foreigners from other countries. My favorite is the footage from an Italian business showing a man who is "100% Cuban":

What makes this even more ironic is that Walker has come out in opposition of normalizing relations with Cuba. Apparently, they're OK enough to use in ads though.

But there's more. With all things Walker, there is always more.

It turns out that Walker "borrowed" the concept of American Revival from the lunatic Glenn Beck:

Wisconsin Democrats are accusing Gov. Scott Walker of lifting the name of his presidential campaign theme from a popular conservative broadcaster.

This week, Walker formed a tax-exempt group called "Our American Revival" to promote his presidential aspirations. In 2010, former Fox News host Glenn Beck held a series of political rallies, with heavy religious themes, called "American Revival," the biggest of which was held at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C.

"Scott Walker (once) said you have to be kind of crazy to want to run for president," said state Democratic Party spokeswoman Melissa Baldauff. "If he's borrowing campaign ideas from Glenn Beck, that must be true."

This would not be the first time that Walker lifted an idea from another candidate.

In the most recent election, Walker ran with a "Wisconsin Comeback" theme, which he took directly from Kansas Governor Sam Brownback.

In his 2010 campaign for governor, Walker used a brown bag gimmick that he took from Ohio Republican George Voinovich. At least with this theme, Walker paid for it instead of just stealing it.

One would think that with all the money that the dark money special interests are pouring into Walker's presidential bid, they would be able to come up with something a little less embarrassing for Walker.

Then again, when your target audience is low information voters, you can get buy on the cheap.

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