Scott Walker Creates Reagan Fan Fiction
Scott Walker is, let us say, a little confused.
Scott Walker appeared on Morning Joe the other day to talk a little about President Obama's State of the Union address but mostly to try to promote his own flailing presidential campaign.
(Walker revealed that he is still playing with a weak hand by using the term "Democrat Party" instead of Democratic Party. One of Walker's tells is using passive aggressiveness when he's got nothing else to go on.)
Walker then went on to bash Hillary Clinton for not resolving the strife in the Middle East which has been going on for thousands of years. Then again, if you listen to Walker, the Clintons are to blame for everything from every war in history to the common cold.
But then Walker really took a trip down fantasy lane when he credited the fall of the Russian Empire to Ronald Reagan firing the air traffic controllers. Walker called the firing one of the "most powerful" foreign policy moves in our lifetime.
This isn't the first time Walker has "When Ronald Reagan took that action against the air traffic controllers, that in my mind was the beginning of the end of the Cold War," he said. "And the reason was, from that point forward nobody doubted how serious Ronald Reagan would be as president. Our allies knew that they could trust him, that he was rock solid. Our adversaries knew not to mess with him. And even though he presided over an incredible buildup in our nation’s national defense, in our military, we had very few, very limited military engagements during his eight years as president.".
Never mind all the soldiers that died in bombings during Reagan's watch or the fact that he built up the military to unprecedented levels. Russia fell to their knees because Reagan endangered air safety by firing some public sector workers.
Unsurprisingly, Walker has also used this story to try to justify his attack on public sector workers in Wisconsin. Apparently, Walker felt that was the only way to keep Canada from sailing across Lake Superior and invading Wisconsin.
Because we all know it had nothing to do with trying to bust the unions or undercutting the Democrats like the Kochs told him to do.