The World Responds To Charlie Hebdo Killings

"Pens against guns." Yeah, that sums things up.

It's been quite a day. We had, what, six or seven journalists who died last year month in the line of duty? Here it is, the second week of January, and that record is already broken.

I've been crying on and off all day, ever since I heard the news. Although some people don't think what we do here is journalism, it is --and it's mentally exhausting. We don't get much support (financial or otherwise) for speaking truth to power; the only thing that really keeps us going is our collective conscience. That's why I have so much admiration for the fearless way in which the Charlie Hebdo staff pursued their mission, and so much disgust for people whose ideology is so weak, they need guns to impose it on the rest of the world.

Many of the people who turned out across Europe to show their support for Charlie Hebdo are holding pens in the air, and carrying signs that say "Pens against guns." Yeah, that's what it comes down to: The power of words vs. the use of force.

I have to believe that someday, the words win:

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