WSJ's Rabinowitz Accuses Mayor De Blasio Of 'Living In An Ideological Bubble'
The pundits on Fox continue carrying water for the poor picked on NYPD who had their tender feelings hurt by Mayor de Blasio daring the state the truth about his son.
From this Saturday's The Journal Editorial Report, the WSJ's Dorothy Rabinowitz with a huge heaping helping of projection for the viewers of Faux "news." If anyone ought to know about living in a bubble and propagandizing becoming reality, it's these three.
Most of the media has moved on to ambulance chasing the recent terrorist attack at Charlie Hebdo in Paris and have moved on from this story, but the talking heads on Fox aren't finished attacking their new favorite liberal target, New York Mayor Bill de Blasio and wringing their hands for the NYPD and the only union on the planet that those on the right seem to like (for the moment, anyway).
GIGOT: So Dorothy, you wrote about this this week. The feud between police and de Blasio isn't letting up. Why not?
RABINOWITZ: That's right. Why not is because the mayor has yet to do what he has to do, which is to recognize what he has been, what he has looked like from the moment he has taken office, which is to say as an adversarial force, that recognizes there is an undertow of police misbehavior. This has been so evident from day one of the mayor's administration and de Blasio's problem has been that he has no idea what he sounds like.
GIGOT: He actually believes what he's saying.
RABINOWITZ: Yes. He has no idea. He's living in an ideological bubble. He is a completely progressive left force such as we have not had in memory and when you live in this world, you're very accustomed to this as the norm, this kind of propagandizing becomes a reality.
Meanwhile out there the police are listening to this description of them. If you tuned into local radio stations when the attack went on against stop-and-frisk, you would have thought...
GIGOT: The method of policing de Blasio opposed.
RABINOWITZ: … that the police effort to stop crime in high rise... in high crime neighborhoods was essentially the most important problem in the western world. It was a non-stop drumbeat.
Her fellow right-wing apologist and staff writer at Murdoch's rag, Jason Riley did his best to downplay the work stoppage and pretend it had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that the union hasn't had a contract for years now.
It seems in right-wing world they're even willing to tolerate a union work stoppage if it means they can continue to villainize the one politician they've found that they actually hate more than President Obama.