Are Teachers Coaching Their Students To Fight Labor Wars? I Hope So

Steve Doocy is appalled that Indiana students are encouraged to support teachers' unions. Fox News' anti-teacher, pro-corporate mentality oozes through this segment.

Indiana Governor Mike Pence is going after his state's Democratic Schools' Superintendent by trying to strip her of power.

— and both Democrats and Republicans say it is a telling example of the aggressive style of this potential 2016 presidential contender.
Pence and state Republicans have quickly moved to change state law to boot state Superintendent Glenda Ritz from her post as board of education chairwoman and allow other board members — most of whom Pence appointed — to elect a new leader. Ritz could still run the state education department but would have much less say in setting the policy that governs the agency.

Students in Indiana are writing to lawmakers about the governor's hard line approach to the teachers and their unions. Once again, Republicans are parroting the meme that the teachers are lazy and the sole reason for poor academic performance. Keep cutting the funding for educators, enact policies that make it difficult for children to pay attention like making sure they are hungry, then blame the teachers.

Steve Doocy cries in outrage,

"she gave the kids an assignment, they did the research themselves and then she forwarded them on to lawmakers and what not."

Funny thing is, all of the letters reflect the views of teachers who are on the receiving end of all the savagery Pence has inflicted upon them. Simply telling the children what this horrible man has done, the students likely saw the situation from the opposite perspective of Fox News and this Hoosiers For Quality Education (aka pro-charter and home schools). Tosha Salyers said, "As a mom, I thought how offensive these letters were...no teacher should ever put a child in this position."

Bottom line, these kids were simply writing about a situation that has been convoluted by the entire, anti-education GOP. You remember these folks, the ones that want to remove unpleasant U.S. History by eradicating AP History in other Red States. Don't think this could happen in Indiana? It's already spread elsewhere in Red-State America.

It's easy to find conservative nutbags who want to lash out at teachers who are working under impossible conditions because their Republican Governors cut education funding to give their rich corporate friends more damned tax cuts. Just shut up already, Fox News. You're the problem, not TEACHERS!

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