Bill Donohue Demands Obama Attack Islam While Playing The Poor Picked On Christian Card

The Catholic League's Bill Donohue was back at it again, having another meltdown on air just before President Obama's speech this Wednesday on violent extremism.

The Catholic League's Bill Donohue was back at it again, having another meltdown on air just before President Obama's speech this Wednesday on violent extremism. Cavuto just had him on a couple of weeks ago following President Obama's remarks at the National Prayer Breakfast, so he and his producers knew full well what they were getting when they invited him on as a guest.

Cavuto opened up the segment by showing some of Cardinal Dolan's recent remarks, where he said this about ISIS:

We need Islamic religious leaders to stand up and say, “This is not Islam. This is a perversion of our faith.”

President Obama said something very similar in his remarks today, but I'm sure it wouldn't have made an ounce of difference to Cavuto and Donohue who were all too happy to trash President Obama once again and to play the poor, picked on, downtrodden Christian card.

DONONUE: And where are all these horror stories of Muslims today being victimized? Wouldn't we know this from the FBI statistics?

CAVUTO: You've seen the report on this before where it's Christians and they're executed or tortured, it doesn't get a lot of play. Maybe in this environment with ISIS and some of the crazy things that group has been doing, it's getting a little bit more play, but this kind of stuff has been going on for a long, long time, well before ISIS. So why doesn't it get much media play?

DONOHUE: Well look, the hate speech against Christians, and I want to make very clear, I'm not comparing ISIS to what goes on in this country, but let's face it, if you turn on late night talk shows, you turn on Bill Maher, who are they trashing? Take a look at the news releases I put out daily. It's Catholics practically every single night. They don't go after Muslims. They don't go after Jews and I'm not asking them to do so to get equal time.

CAVUTO: What do you want to hear out of the president? He's going to speak in less than two minutes.

DONOHUE: I want him to say we've got a problem with hate speech in this country in non-violent expression and we have a problem with hate speech and violent expression coming from a strain of Islam. What I said I think is absolutely correct. I think the president knows it too, but he lacks the fortitude that I think a man of his stature should have.

I guess neither of these two read the updated Center for American Progress report that Karoli discussed here if they don't believe there has been any rise in the amount of hate crimes against Muslims. And Donohue obviously doesn't watch Bill Maher's show if he thinks he never goes after "radical Islam."

These wingnuts aren't going to be happy until President Obama declares that we're in a holy war with Islam and pours a couple of hundred ground troops into the region, and even then they'd find a reason to attack him.

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