Boehner Denies Benghazi Select Committee Is Another Clinton Witch Hunt

John Boehner denies the obvious when it comes to their latest BENGHAZ!!! witch hunt.

John Boehner denies the obvious when it comes to their latest BENGHAZ!!! witch hunt. I don't know who Boehner thinks he's fooling since it's been painfully obvious since the first of their many hearings that this was always about damaging Hillary Clinton's potential presidential bid.

That didn't stop him from lying to Chris Wallace about it on this weekend's Fox News Sunday:

WALLACE: Finally, you have set up a select committee to investigate what happened in Benghazi, even though there have been about a half dozen investigations; the Republican-controlled House Intelligence Committee basically said there was no there there -- like this last year.

Some people have questioned: is all of this an effort to hurt Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?

BOEHNER: No, Chris, it's -- the idea here is to get the American people the facts about what happened. Why wasn't the security for our embassy in Libya, the extra security, given to the ambassador after repeated requests? The night of the event, why didn't we attempt to rescue the people that were there? Why were the people there told not to get involved?

And then, as importantly, when did the president know this? And why, for some two weeks, did he describe it differently than what it really was?

There are a lot of unanswered questions, and as Trey Gowdy, the chairman of the Benghazi committee, has been told by me, I don't need a big show here but we need our facts. The American people deserve the truth about what happened and that's all we're interested in.

WALLACE: Does Hillary Clinton have something to do with that?

BOEHNER: She was never interviewed by the Accountability Review Board shortly after the event. I think we just need to know what the facts were, and if she's got facts that she can supply, we need to know them.

WALLACE: But you'd like to see her called to testify.

BOEHNER: That's up to Chairman Gowdy to make that decision, but if he believes that's necessary to get to the truth, so be it.

Yes, "so be it." If we just have to drag her out there again so we can berate her about questions that have been answered over and over again and take her out of context later after she responds, "so be it."

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