Climate Change A Taboo Subject When Reporting Record Cold And Snow

Record cold and snow are absolutely the result of polar ice caps melting, but why isn't this covered on the news?

The Arctic is warming about twice as fast as the rest of the planet, yet this fact is omitted when over half our newscasts are devoted to covering the blizzard conditions in the Northeast. Even Bill Maher on Real Time said the news coverage of climate change has been pitiful. Last year, only 25 total minutes of time was devoted to covering this dire consequence for the planet. Maher said, He’d rather see Brian Williams cover climate change than a run on snow blowers at the hardware store.

But WHY? Just look at who owns the media. The right wing is always promoting the meme that these science advocating-scientists are just trying to make these Honda Civic-driving researchers rich.

Obviously we will not hear the truth because Koch brothers-run media simply won't allow it. You have to go to sources like the NOAA and NASA to show the real effects of the planet's warming. If you want to find out why we don't hear about the truth, just look at some of the tweets of the GOP-media:

Fox News' Brit Hume Asks: "The Biggest Science Scandal In History?" Fox's Perino: "More Of The Temperature Readings Have Been Fabricated." Limbaugh: Telegraph Op-Ed "Exposes" That Global Warming "May Be The Biggest Hoax In All Of Science Ever." Breitbart Columnist Asserts Temperature Adjustment Is A "Crime Against The Scientific Method Unparalleled In History."

Thanks to the right wing, you will see a plethora of headlines containing catch phrases like "climate-change alarmists" jump to conclusions over big storms. Really? This is hysteria?

Thanks to several big scientific breakthroughs, 2014 will likely go down as the year that melting polar ice caps graduated from being a geographic abstraction to a symbol of the irreversible ways we’ve warped the planet.

The effects of the polar ice caps melting, especially in the Arctic, are felt differently depending on where you are on earth.

Sea temperature changes show affected areas like the Northeastern U.S. and Australia See pic on upper right

The idea that the data developed by these organizations to evoke alarm is as preposterous as the anti-vaxxer movement. It is absolutely false and disgustingly irresponsible for these publications to claim that this is fabricated data.

Extreme storms are regional in the U.S.

Such heavy storms have increased by more than 70 percent in the past six decades in the Northeast, according to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report. Called extreme precipitation, these are the top one percent of blizzards or rainstorms that pack the heftiest punch, threatening sudden floods or paralyzing snowdrifts. The trend has hit nationwide, but with less impact in drier regions such as the Southwest, which has seen only a 5 percent increase in such events.

I can tell you that our unusually warm 75° average temperature in February here in the Southwest will forebode a frighteningly hot summer.

These storms result from a paradox of global warming in which warmer air temperatures mean more moisture is stuffed into clouds. That's why when it rains—or snows—it pours harder than ever out of those overstuffed skies.

Imagine if people heard, as often as they do about Kanye and Kim, that there are terrifying effects being felt RIGHT NOW from the melting of the polar ice caps. Then, we'd be able to dispel the fallacious garbage put forth by the Murdoch crowd, (who blames the crazy storms on god's wrath over gay marriage) if we could simply INFORM people that climate science is not a hoax.

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