The Constitutional Concealed Reciprocity Act: Facts Don't Matter

A letter to Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) on S498 by Arthur R. Kamm, PhD. The letter eviscerates the necessity of the Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act.

Senator Jon Cornyn (R-TX) wants to help gun owners with a problem they have. Their concealed carry permits are not the same across state lines. Much like a drivers' license, gun enthusiasts feel they are being discriminated against. (Ironically, this is the same political party that wants to deny same-sex couples equal rights across the very same lines.)

Dr. Arthur Kamm has an incredibly rich background as a medical scientist, professor and humanitarian devoted to alleviating pain and suffering. It's because of his diverse background that he is keenly aware of the racial discrimination that goes hand in hand with this country's insane gun culture. This letter was sent to his state's senator to dispute the 'Constitutionality' of this wacky and dangerous bill, S498.

The following letter, issued to US Senator Richard Burr (R-NC) in advance of the vote on ‘The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act’ (S498), is self-explanatory. This legislation (like others) has little to do with protecting or defending the rights of law abiding citizens. It is about the union of an appalling political strategy (that for decades has successfully exploited racial conflict for votes) and corporate profits. This reproduction includes links to sources in support of the various points contained therein.

February 21, 2015

The Honorable Richard Burr
United States Senate
217 Russell Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510

Re: Beyond S. 498: The Constitutional Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act

Dear Senator Burr:

I was asked to write you a letter requesting that you oppose the above referenced legislation and have noted that you voted in favor of similar legislation in the recent past. However, I believe most letters like that are a waste of time and effort in today’s political environment. Additionally, it’s clear that neither facts nor public opinion matter much these days after witnessing the highly partisan US Senate vote against expanded background check legislation in 2013, yours included – legislation that was supported by nearly 90% of the American public including majorities of Republicans and Democrats, men and women, gun owners and non-gun owners, and (immediately prior to that vote) 90% of the citizens of your state (February 2013), as well as 74% of NRA households (February, 2013). And you, and others of your party, could vote to oppose such measures with impunity as evidenced by the 2014 midterm election results simply because gun violence is largely a non-issue regarding reasons why people cast their vote for Congress – but likely not for much longer. Because, in stripping away the veneer, as detailed below, legislation like this has little to do about protecting the rights of ‘law abiding citizens’; it is about the union of an appalling political strategy (that has contributed to an unthinkable number of premature African-American deaths) and corporate profits that, with this country’s changing demography, will eventually exact a price at the polls, perhaps sooner than later.

Click here for the full letter.
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