Former CBS Correspondent Takes Apart Bill O'Reilly's Argentina Story
CNN's Brian Stelter spoke to former CBS correspondent Eric Engberg about his recent post questioning Bill O'Reilly's version of events on his reporting in Argentina. Engberg's one dispute with O'Reilly... "He's not a real reporter."
CNN's Brian Stelter spoke to former CBS correspondent Eric Engberg about his recent post questioning Bill O'Reilly's version of events on his reporting in Argentina. Stelter asked Engberg at the end of the segment if he had a vendetta against O'Reilly and whether this was about a personal dispute.
I really enjoyed Engberg's response:
ENGBERG: No. He's the one that started the personal dispute by saying that we were all hiding in our hotel rooms... By the way, I do have this personal dispute with him. He's not a real reporter and he was not in a combat zone that night. This was not a combat zone. Not even close.
We all knew that already, but it's nice to hear someone say it out loud. Engberg's description of O'Reilly was pretty devastating and it was obvious that it was all about O'Reilly even back then. He called Bob Schieffer an "old man" and said he didn't want him using his footage. He refused to follow his bosses orders and put people, including his own cameraman at risk by ignoring their instructions.
We already discussed Engberg's post on Facebook here: Reporter Recounts Memories Of Argentina And Bill-O, so go back and read the whole thing if you missed it.
While CNN was having a nice calm rational discussion about O'Reilly and his ongoing fight with Mother Jones, O'Reilly was highjacking Howard Kurtz's show, screaming at him about how horrible Engberg is and calling him more names. I guess O'Reilly believes whoever yells the loudest wins. The contrast between the Reliable Sources and Media Buzz segments was quite stark. I almost felt sorry for poor old Howie. Almost. You know what they say about laying down with dogs.