Fox News Compares ISIS Extremism To The Confederacy
Bill O'Reilly says Obama reminds him of James Buchanan. So what does that make ISIS?
In the Fox-land of really bad analogies, bully-boy Bill O'Reilly and his pal Charles Krauthammer somehow managed to make the stretch that President Obama is just like James Buchanan prior to the Civil War. So I assume that means that the United States blowing up the Middle East and invading a country that was not a threat to us and the rise of a militant group there following that invasion is somehow just like our Civil War here in the United States and The South is just like ISIS.
So Bill-O just compared Southerners and the Confederacy to a bunch of Muslim extremists. Some of the ones who think they're still fighting that war to this day might not appreciate that.
From Fox's blog: O'Reilly and Krauthammer Compare Obama to James Buchanan:
Bill O’Reilly and Charles Krauthammer tonight sounded off on President Barack Obama’s response to ISIS.
O’Reilly said Obama reminds him of James Buchanan, who knew the Civil War was approaching and did nothing to stop it.
“He is the James Buchanan, and he’s not gonna be dissuaded from that, that’s what’s so scary,” Krauthammer said.
Obama’s heart isn’t in the fight, Krauthammer told O’Reilly.
“He’s trying to give the impression of action, an imitation of motion. He’s trying to do anything except carry the fight,” Krauthammer said.
Instead, Krauthammer said Obama will involve us in weeks of debate with Congress over a resolution designed to hamper any effort against ISIS.
I love the nonchalant attitude O'Reilly had here about the United States going into Syria:
O'REILLY: So what?! So you go into Syria. Who's going to complain about that? Who?
Yeah, let's just go invade another country. Who's going to notice anyway? Krauthammer spilled the beans when he was carping about Obama being just like James Buchanan, him comparing terrorism to "big city crime" and that somehow "his heart isn't in it" when it comes to fighting terrorism.
KRAUTHAMMER: So he thinks it is something to be managed and that it is being hyped by people who are either hysterical or who don't understand this, or who want to get us into bigger wars.