Fox News Conflates Sharia Law With Swastika Graffiti At U.C. Davis
A Jewish Fraternity is defaced with hate symbols, so Fox News automatically assumes it's the work of pro-Palestinian students.
There's been a bit of commotion lately at the University of California at Davis, following the recent approval of a resolution to divest from companies that profit from Israeli apartheid. A barrage of hateful, Islamophobic and racist attacks have been launched against Arab and Muslim students — including a student senator. When there's an outcry over the obvious apartheid practiced by right-wing Israelis, aided and abetted by their American GOP-fans, Fox News will defend Netanyahu's Israel like a like a mother lion defends her cubs.
The Jewish fraternity, Alpha Epsilon Pi (ΑΕΠ), was tagged with two swastikas over the weekend after a confrontation with pro-Palestinian students, known as Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) . No one has claimed responsibility for the heinous act, but Fox News and some members of the Zionist fraternity have already tried and convicted the SJP.
Jokingly, UC Davis Student Senator, Azka Fayyaz and other Muslim students proclaimed that the accusations claiming that Sharia Law has taken over the University were true. But we all know that right-wingers do not have the ability to understand satire, so they of course took the joke seriously.
After she posted on the Internet a photo of the celebrations following the divestment resolution victory, with a satirical caption that was meant to mock these racist tropes — “Hamas and Sharia law have taken over UC Davis!” — the harassment has amplified...Far-right Zionist websites have published articles blaming Fayyaz and Palestine solidarity organizers for creating an anti-Semitic atmosphere on campus and promoting “terrorism.” Other mainstream outlets have clumsily insinuated that there could be a connection between the Palestinian-led movement urging boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel and the hateful vandalism.
ΑΕΠ Fraternity Vice President, Nathaniel Bernhard told a very shaken Elisabeth Hasselbeck that he can move forward from being "a victim of a hate crime" and resume his daily academic studies, just fine. She asked if the graffiti had been painted over yet, and of course it had been, almost instantly. Bernhard said the incident shed light that anti-Semitism is a very real problem and it pulled together the whole Greek community in solidarity with his fraternity. Bernhard seemed to be pretty pleased with how things have been going since the defacement of his frat house.
Once again, no one knows who did this, and the very real possibility exists that anyone could have done this to incriminate the SJP group. Elisabeth asked if there's been any other acts of hate or if he feels his safety is threatened. Nathaniel explained that there have been no incidents and he feels perfectly safe as campus police have been very helpful. What the segment ignores is the violence and hate expressed to Muslim students and others who are sympathetic to the cause of the Palestinians, who are oppressed by Israelis.
Actual threats of violence and harassment are very real problems students like Fayyaz face daily.
On social media, anti-Palestinian individuals have compared the UC Davis Muslim Student Association to “Hitler Youth,” while other posts say “Fuck Muslims” along with other racist tirades against Arabs and Muslims.The University of California has yet to address or condemn such racist and inciteful attacks.
This could very well explain where the swastikas came from. The only ones following Reductio ad Hitlerum or Godwin's law seem to be the Zionist right-wingers. Of course, without proof, any assertion would be irresponsible, but not if you're Fox News. It's de rigueur to make wild accusations without factual support on GOP-TV.